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Topic:One year ago today
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
padrooI bought my 1999 Prowler on eBay on Christmas Day one year ago today. Here is a video from the company I bought it from except this is a 2000. This was one of the most memorable Christmases I have ever had as an adult. It has been a fun year!

Check out their inventory here. A great company to deal with.

I have my eye on the Aston Martin for a daily driver! right!

WINDY CITY PROWLERExactly 8 years ago i had my prowler delivered also. My new daily driver when it's snowing which it hasn't yet is a Cady cts v 2 dr.
ALLEY CATDec. 25, 1999,,,,the AlleyCat Prowler was sitting in a Reliable Carrier's hauler, in Lincoln, NE with one pizzed off truck driver staying in the cab keeping warm.

12 years ago today,,,this was.

The hauler driver showed up at the Plymouth dealership @5:15pm on Christmas Eve day,,,,and the service department had closed down and all of the employees gone. Still, the sales staff was there until 6:00, but not authorized to check-in new car deliveries. The driver wanted to unload and make it back to KansasCity, to enjoy his Christmas Day with family or relatives? The sales staff told him 'no way' they could check the car in So,,, the driver had to wait another 38 hours to unload my Prowler. Guess I was lucky he didn't scuff it up when it finally came out of the box that first day after Christmas...

I picked her up when I was able to get time off work, and fly into Lincoln,,,Jan.15, 2000. She sat warm in the showroom,,,all roped off so people couldn't touch, or sit in her until my arrival.


Originally posted by padroo:
I bought my 1999 Prowler on eBay on Christmas Day one year ago today. Here is a video from the company I bought it from except this is a 2000. This was one of the most memorable Christmases I have ever had as an adult. It has been a fun year!

Pedro, you've been a great contributor to the site and it's always been obvious that you are "one of us"!

......Getting a Prowler for Christmas is almost as good as getting a Red Rider BB gun

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-25-2011 at 07:34 PM

padroobjprowler, I didn't get my Red Rider BB Gun but when I was 5 or 6 my big brother shot me in the left eye with a steel tipped arrow. Eye surgery wasn't as good as it is today but the fact that I have sight in that eye was considered a miracle. I see they even have pink versions of the Red Rider out. By the way, he did shoot me with BB guns but he wouldn't let anyone else mess with me! The arrow was an accident. Only the strong survive.

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