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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:One of our Soldiers beheaded on London street
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Carl SlaterA young soldier off duty was targeted because he was wearing a help the heroes T shirt ( charity for wounded soldiers ) 2 black Muslims drove a car into him then stabbed and hacked at him with a machete until he died a brutal death with his head hanging off . All this in a busy London St in the afternoon , then waited for the police , holding various weapons dripping with blood and ranting about there cause ! The police shot them but only wounded .
These Scum have no place on this Earth, why should we pay there medical bills and custody costs , They should be nailed to a cross and suffer a long painful Death !
I felt for you guys over there for Chicago , but how do we fight this ?
phil2237Hate to see what awaits them in prison, but they deserve it.
Me Time
Originally posted by phil2237:
Hate to see what awaits them in prison, but they deserve it.

You've got to remember that they have a large Muslim population in England, if the powers that be locate them in a block of their own kind they will be hero's, if they put them in with the Brit's they will suffer long and hard.

Carl SlaterI saw a soldier being interviewed outside the house of the dead soldiers mum today he was asked if any of the Army were angry over the incident (dumb question ) he replied of course we are , but we are the Royal British Army we are trained to conduct ourselves in a responsible manner !
Then he added UNFORTUNATELY !!!
Me Time
Originally posted by Carl Slater:
I saw a soldier being interviewed outside the house of the dead soldiers mum today he was asked if any of the Army were angry over the incident (dumb question ) he replied of course we are , but we are the Royal British Army we are trained to conduct ourselves in a responsible manner !
Then he added UNFORTUNATELY !!!

I know this much about the English, when it comes time to even things up they are ruthless and thank God for being so.

Carl SlaterNothing wrong with a bit of retribution if deservedly so !
All these murders have achieved is to make millions ok UK citizens even more suspicious , scared and hatefull towards other Muslims !
Which is no good for anyone .....
Me Time
Originally posted by Carl Slater:
Nothing wrong with a bit of retribution if deservedly so !
All these murders have achieved is to make millions ok UK citizens even more suspicious , scared and hatefull towards other Muslims !
Which is no good for anyone .....

I see your point but as much as we've evolved over the years there is still no way to mix us all together yet. Some are just less tolerant then others and taking off an innocent persons head to make an example of what will continue to happen only says "Kill me or I'll kill you" loud and clear to me. If they don't like the way things are where they are move the hell back to where you came from.

Carl SlaterSome white guy was arrested today for putting racist comments on Twitter but Muslim extremists are allowed to openly preach hatred towards the English in England , how can that be right ??
There are good n bad in every race and religion I genuinely believe that
But taking the life of an off duty soldier with a 2 year old child !
There are a lot of people in England now who wouldn't piss on a Muslim if they were on fire !
I just can't understand how this helps there beliefs ??
Anyway I better stop my rant before I get arrested ;-)
Looking forward to another day driving my Prowler and forgetting the **** that life sometimes throws at ya lol

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