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Topic:On the way to the Dells....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Kevin A..... we had a great visit from a group of Prowler owners!
Gary (MDProlwer) had to stop by to pick up a recent eBay purchase of complete set of wheels I was holding for him. Luckily he had some good travel companions.

My wife, Kathy, and daughter (bottom left corner)wonder what to tell the neighbors after the "Prowler Trash" show up.

hoo.haaanice pics
Dave MillsLooks like they ran through some rain on the way.
SimonsezThanks for posting...nice pics. I wish I could trash my neighborhood like that.
TooHipCat Cool pics!!! Is that Top Kat's cat that still has the Carlisle admission sticker on the top corner of the windshield? I'm having a hard time taking mine off too.

Severe Carlisle withdrawal syndrome!!!


ChromerGREAT Pic's. Every Prowler color looks GREAT. I love the Trailer with the flames.

Repeat after me..."I will have FUN at the Dells...AND..I will drive SAFELY"..

Wish we were going...Enjoy!

JWD and Chromer

Dave Mills
Originally posted by TooHipCat

Cool pics!!! Is that Top Kat's cat that still has the Carlisle admission sticker on the top corner of the windshield? I'm having a hard time taking mine off too.
Severe Carlisle withdrawal syndrome!!!

I am having the same problem this year. Must be because we are missing the Dells!

Top KatKevin, thanks to you and your wonderful family for allowing the "East Coast Posse Prowler Trash" to invade your neighborhood. Thanks for the "vittles" and the escort back out. Wish you could have joined us for the rest of the adventure. We just returned to our hotel in Richmond, In. after a meal at The Texas Roadhouse. We had a great visit at your place. Thanks again.

Too Hip, yep, that was me.

All bumpers removed, TGF Front Bumper Covers,Real Rod Roll Pan, Pearl Flames, TGF Hardtop, Polished & Chrome front suspension, under hood chrome accessories

ed monahanThat group will be much larger and much better looking by tomorrow. lol
I got a call from Gary and he said the BBQ was great and they had a little rain. It is still Dennis dumping on the area. This week has been ugly, most of the time.
Bob MillerLookin' good!!! Sure wish I could have taken the time off to join you to the Dells.

The best photo is the one with MeanGene holding the "bunny ears" (or whatever you call it...) behind Tammy's head! lol I love it!

Drive safe and bring yourselves and your cats back home in one piece!

GenoTexY'all drive safe and have FUN!
ed monahanIf anyone reads this, (first of all, what the heck are you doing still awake at this hour) we will be meeting at K-Mart on Brownsburg Rd to decide where we are eating. Wildcat is checking in the morning and letting us know.
We picked K-Mart because that is where Mike K. picked up his High Voltage Blue Prowler and we are going to check to see if they have any left. lol
Kevin AAlso, as a fallout from the visit by the East Coast Posse, I have made a slight chage to my POA ID. I now go by "Kevin A" rather than "kevina". MeanGene thought I was some Russian chick and was dissapointed to see a 40+ year old guy. I explained to him that a lot of people he chats with online are older guys like me and not the young teens he thought he was getting along with so well.


Kevin Arnold
Black '99
Mostly stock - Borla Exhaust, Tom Mills Bumper Removal Kit, F/R mud flaps, Chrome Shiftknob and Chrome Shifter Bezel.
Seven Color LED Undercar Lighting
Non-stock permanent grin on my face when driving!
Pet? A Cat - a Black Cat of course!

Black Tie 161Jeff's car got wet!
Jeff's car got WET!


I thought I heard crying in the faint distance....

Thanks for the great stop along the way. Above and beyond the call as with all the Prowler folk I have met to date.

Had another incedent in Indy when tammy fell on a slippery floor at the Denny's. Spent the afternoon at the hospital but lucky there were no broken bones. Tammy is very sore but we made it here around 11:30 Sunday night.

Thank you larry and Sue Mayes and Bill Healy for your help and concern. You guys great! There's nothing worse than being stuck in a unfamiler town at the hospital.

On the way out from the hospital we stopped at the CVS to get pain pills only to come out and see MeanGene starting another Prowler getogether ikn the parking lot. Seems a couple in that area saw us there and quickly got their kat and came back. They had never heard of the POA so Gene was filling them in.

So here we are, the weather is great and we are going to have a good time.......OR ELSE! lol

Bob MillerTake care of yourself Tammy. It's more fun to tease you and pull practical jokes on you when you are healthy!!!

Let's see, a law suit against Denny's should run around $50K or so for pain and suffering.

MeanGene is a great POA ambassador when he's not throwing dirt on my car, or otherwise pointing the sticker on my rear window to the judges...

This message has been edited by Bob Miller on 07-19-2005 at 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Bob Miller:

The best photo is the one with MeanGene holding the "bunny ears" (or whatever you call it...) behind Tammy's head! lol I love it!

I get no respect.


PROWLERWIDOWI am going to be rich. You forgot the lawsuit against you for hitting me in the mouth with a menu.
Originally posted by Bob Miller:
MeanGene is a great POA ambassador when he's not throwing dirt on my car, or otherwise pointing the sticker on my rear window to the judges...

He is that!!! I'll say again...I thought that was so cool when he handed out a couple of toy Prowlers to the kids in Carlisle.

If you don't mind me asking...what does the sticker say on your rear window? I must have missed it.

Have a good weekend everyone!!!


Originally posted by MDProwler:
On the way out from the hospital we stopped at the CVS to get pain pills only to come out and see MeanGene starting another Prowler getogether ikn the parking lot. Seems a couple in that area saw us there and quickly got their kat and came back. They had never heard of the POA so Gene was filling them in.

Oh no! And you didn't stop him. Can you imagine how "off" their opion will be of POA members???

Glad to hear you all had a good time in spite of the stop in Indy.

whealyWith all the "extra action" of that stop in Indy, I forgot to post pics. Not until this weekend when I took more did I see them. Since it's "old news" now, I'll just put them here. But I think they are still worth sharing.

pumpkinNice shots. thanks.

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