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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:Oil Drip... where is it coming from?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Koastal CatI have discovered oil dripping on my new headers :0 ... at the hottest part of the pipe too. Not good!

A bolt located just above the driver side exhaust port closest to the firewall. The oil is not coming from the valve cover or above. It appears to be coming from the bolt that’s holding a bracket.

My question: Does this bolt hole have access to an internal oil passage?

Should I just take the bolt out and put sealant on the treads?

- Kcat

Black Tie 161What an odd place for an oil leak. And it's weeping from the bolt itself?

If it's just one bolt, I would unscrew it and see what's inside...If there is oil on the threads, then your theory is right. If there's no oil on the threads, then maybe it's leaking from above somewhere and dripping on the bolt area, but that's unlikely looking at the bolt location.....err...I think.

Look ABOVE the bolt before unscrewing anything and see if there is a possibility of oil dripping above the bolt on to it.

Good luck!

butchceeI used that bolt on an earlier supercharger intall and dont recall it being a "wet hole". Possible a valve cover leak that's traveling?
cnote6I would like to know where it is coming from???


ed monahanAny chance the fan is blowing it and that is where it is landing?
dbudnerHere's an ugly thought, you don't think anything is cracked do you? I would take the bracket off and take a better look.
Koastal CatThanks everyone for your ideas.

The dealer could not find the leak.

The most logical place would be the valve cover gasket, which is located right above the bolt. But it looks clean and intact.

No cracked block either.

So they put sealant on the bolt and torque it down.

Here is the weird part (never heard of this) they put die in the oil and told me to come back in a couple weeks and they would use a black light to look for the leak if still dripping. Anybody heard of this die trick?

Thanks again posting you suggestions !
- Kcat

butchceeK Cat--this is common practice for finding leaks--but most dealers wont go the extra mile like your's went. The oil is clear in thin layers so after a parts cleaning, this is a good way to find a reoccouring leak. Tracer oil is more common for finding AC leaks.

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