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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Obumma birth certificate a fake???? YES
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Landscape DoctorSheriff Joe Arpio is have a news conference tomorrow at 4pm to discuss new findings.

Sheriff’s probe finds Obama birth certificate ‘fake’ http://po.st/zZlpMu via @worldnetdaily

This message has been edited by Landscape Doctor on 12-16-2016 at 10:07 PM

Landscape DoctorFull video if interested. Fat lady has sung in the streets on this one.

The current Potus was NOT born in the US. Under the current laws of the US he was not eligible to become Potus of the President of the United States.

Prowlin2Still trying to discredit one of the greatest presidents of all time. Pretty funny watching them make asses out of themselves
silverkatHi Beachy long time no see You're a bad boy creating another false ID

4 posts but you're 1st one gave you away

Landy we all knew he was never born here but thanks for the indisputable proof

StingRayEven the banned and decrepit are entitled to their opinions .... but like Obummer and his birth certificate ... this new "member" is a phony and a liar too!
phil2237Once Trump take office, If he does decide to pursue this and can prove he is NOT an American citizen, He will lose both his pensions, one from Congress & the other as president. Also could possibly send him to jail for using a false SS number and taking an office of the U.S. under false pretense. We can only hope
Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by Prowlin2:
Still trying to discredit one of the greatest presidents of all time. Pretty funny watching them make asses out of themselves


Look what the ferrel cat dragged in (AKA beachcat).

OK Beachy floor is your,,, dispute the facts presented.

Prowlin2Think what you want I don't care. But when this conspiracy theory dies, aren't you going to look smart? The Johanna BC is the forgery. Any believing this garbage will be redfaced.
Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by Prowlin2:
Think what you want I don't care. But when this conspiracy theory dies, aren't you going to look smart? The Johanna BC is the forgery. Any believing this garbage will be redfaced.

How is it a forgery,,,???? They have the actual original JBC birth document.

Unlike the Obumma document that was NEVER physically seen.

You obviously did not see the video.

Typical lib blind to the facts.

ed monahanI would think a guy who got banned would have the RED FACE. Why show your face where absolutely NO ONE likes you?
Landscape DoctorBeachy,, here is a vid for ya,,

reechee too.

reecheeTo quote your fearless leader:


Tax cuts are the same as spending increases.

StrokerClimb out of that barrel Gort.
Looks like your turn is over!
Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by reechee:
To quote your fearless leader:

http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/bookmarks/fact-checking-a nd-debunking/the-debunkers-guide-to-obama-conspiracy-theories/

That is a far left site that distorts the facts in favor of Obumma. Alot of piehole giberish.
Landscape DoctorKenya: Authorities Release Barack Obama's "Real" Birth Certificate - http://go.shr.lc/29RVtOZ via @Shareaholic
bjprowlerBefore anyone "gets their panties in a wad" over Landscape Doctor's link to the above article about Obama's "real" birth certificate in the World News Daily Report (WNDR) it should be noted that it's a satirical website.....

Here's the last paragraph in their website disclaimer:

"WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle."

.....(Funny stuff)


This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-22-2016 at 01:06 AM

Landscape DoctorThank You Uncle Bobby for making my point,,, you bit before reechee.

Most online articles need to be taken with a grain of salt,,, they all can be scrutinized one way or another to benefit one side or the other depending on who is writing the article.

The Arpio investigation was done with in and out of US forensic scientists,,, independent at that. Not done by someone in a dark room writing a article on the net.

My point is Arpio's investigation has legs of Bolt not Hillbag. Time will tell.

This message has been edited by Landscape Doctor on 12-22-2016 at 06:00 AM

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