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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:ObamaCare,,,,,,,are you ready?
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ALLEY CATIRS: Cheapest Obamacare Insurance Plan Will Be $20,000/Year For Family Of Five…

These are the lowest tier plans, they have huge deductibles and high co-pays.

(CNSNews.com) – In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.

Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.

The IRS's assumption that the cheapest plan for a family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan.

The examples point to families of four and families of five, both of which the IRS expects in its assumptions to pay a minimum of $20,000 per year for a bronze plan.

“The annual national average bronze plan premium for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 children) is $20,000,” the regulation says.

Bronze will be the lowest tier health-insurance plan available under Obamacare--after Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Under the law, the penalty for not buying health insurance is supposed to be capped at either the annual average Bronze premium, 2.5 percent of taxable income, or $2,085.00 per family in 2016.

In the new final rules published Wednesday, IRS set in law the rules for implementing the penalty Americans must pay if they fail to obey Obamacare's mandate to buy insurance.

To help illustrate these rules, the IRS presented examples of different situations families might find themselves in.

In the examples, the IRS assumes that families of five who are uninsured would need to pay an average of $20,000 per year to purchase a Bronze plan in 2016.

Using the conditions laid out in the regulations, the IRS calculates that a family earning $120,000 per year that did not buy insurance would need to pay a "penalty" (a word the IRS still uses despite the Supreme Court ruling that it is in fact a "tax") of $2,400 in 2016.


Michael PondBend over and lube up, the best is yet to come for the middle class!!! There is no free lunch..
KlasKatWe need to quit calling it Obamacare. Give it the correct name
The UNaffordable Health Care Act"
ALLEY CATGAO Report Finds Obamacare Will Add $6.2 Trillion To The Deficit…

Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released 2-26-13:

Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), who requested the report, revealed the findings this morning at a Senate Budget Committee hearing. The report, he said, “confirms everything critics and Republicans were saying about the faults of this bill,” and “dramatically proves that the promises made assuring the nation that the largest new entitlement program in history would not add one dime to the deficit were false.”
President Obama and other Democrats attempted to win support for the health-care bill by touting it as a fiscally responsible enterprise. “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future,” Obama told a joint-session of Congress in September 2009. “I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period.”


KlasKatI have a good friend who for the last few years was a consultant to smaller hospitals in rural America. He worked in 6 different states, South & North Dakota, Kansas, Wyoming Colorado and Nebraska. Many of these small hospitals were just barely surviving. His job was to show them what they needed to do to bring them up to today's standards and how to improve their profits,getting newer equipment etc. during this time they all told him that as soon as Obama care was defeated they would be ready to go. Then the Supreme Court passed it. They all went on hold waiting to see if Nobama would win the election. When he did they have all chosen to not do any improvements. Many in the smaller towns are just closing down. Some in the some what larger communities are being bought up by regional hospitals and the doctors are mostly retiring. the ones that are being bought up will become regional clinics with a few nurses running them. If you have any real health problems you will have to go to the regional hospital which might be 200 miles away. There you might find a line of 30 to 70 people waiting to be seen and they may not accept Medicare. This has already happened to the VA hospitals there are over 1 million cases on hold.
WOW are we not lucky to have such a great heath care system run by our government. God help us until we can change it .
ALLEY CATCan this be true,,,I couldn't verify to my satisfaction?

Your hospital Medicare admittance has just change under Obama Care. You
must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay
for it! If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is treated as
outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered

And, if you are over 76 years old,,,cancer treatment is not coverage?


This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 02-26-2013 at 09:22 PM

I found this

Did the IRS say that the cheapest health insurance plan under the federal health care law would cost $20,000 per family?

A: No. The IRS used $20,000 in a hypothetical example to illustrate how it will calculate the tax penalty for a family that fails to obtain health coverage as required by law. Treasury says the figure “is not an estimate of premiums.”

Time will tell the truth.

Another example


I can understand the anxiety over the $20,000 figure and it is all over the internet.


padrooI learned a long time ago that if you need an important answer to a question that you should go to the source to give you the answer. Internet rumors run rampant. My advice A/C is to contact your local Social Security Office and ask them this question about Medicade and if you do reply here with your answer. I will be signing up for Medicare in three months and I will ask the question myself and will post the answer here.
ed monahanThe problem is no one knows the answers. They keep changing. You have to pass the bill BEFORE you can read it. Kind of scary.
Originally posted by padroo:
1. My advice A/C is to contact your local Social Security Office and ask them this question,,,,

2. I will be signing up for Medicare in three months and I will ask the question myself and will post the answer here.

1. I have been to my local Soc.Sec. office twice in the past,,,and left when I seen every chair full.(take a #)
There were only about 3 people of retirement age in the place waiting,,,,,the other 100+ were aged 30 to 45 years old waiting to apply for disability benefits and most of them seemed to have no disability other than being a lazy azz who didn't want to work for a living.

2. Good,,,report back with the answers,,,much appreciated

phil2237Larry, Best to apply for benifits online as you will sit there all day. Also by applying online, you have a record , as to when they tell you they cannot find what you sent, you have a copy at your fingertips.
ALLEY CATThanks Phil,,, good info,,plus if I was to wait on Padroo's application and answers,,it may be the end of 2013 for an answer, and a liberal one at that, lol
phil2237Also, they try to trick you, you receive a letter in the mail to confirm an appointment, then receive a phone call, telling you it isn't required you come in as they have everything. Good thing I had heard their tactics, as I showed up Anyways and was told if I would have missed the appointment , I would have to have started completely over, just be careful, They are sneaky
Greg and Veta
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

1. I have been to my local Soc.Sec. office twice in the past,,,and left when I seen every chair full.(take a #)
There were only about 3 people of retirement age in the place waiting,,,,,the other 100+ were aged 30 to 45 years old waiting to apply for [B]disability benefits
and most of them seemed to have no disability other than being a lazy azz who didn't want to work for a living.


This seems to be the case everywhere. Have been to our SS office a couple of times to update my wife's name and immigration status and have always had a very long wait. A couple of times we were given absolutely incorrect information but fortunately I knew they were wrong and I had brought the correct info from their own website to dispute them. They do NOT like to be corrected and shown they are wrong. Had to demand a supervisor to get thing right.

Anyways good luck.

padrooAfter all, it is an entitlement, what do you want for free! lol
padrooI have already been to the Social Security office to sign my wife up for Medicare. We waited a while and the guy we worked with was very professional but her birthday came and went and still did't get her Medicare card. Now we can't get in contact with the very professional (we thought) guy and he does not return calls. We got another person and said it would take another 30 days. She applied 3 months before her birthday. no lol here.
Originally posted by padroo:
After all, it is an entitlement, what do you want for free! lol

Yes it is,,,,and I'm allowed to be 'entitled' to what I put into the fund, plus what my employer's matched,,and 10% interest compounded on top of that for all the years that money was in the fund. Hell, that ain't going to happen,,,only a dream.

Those tax and spend liberals put their sticky fingers into the cookie jar long ago, robbing the funds to spend on those lazy citizens and illegals, thus providing them with far more than what I'll get out of it.

ed monahanMy mom was in a rest home getting assisted living and WE were paying for it every month. She had Alzheimers and was getting much worse and we tried to get her put into the fully supervised side of the rest home. She had fallen several times. She was there several years.
I went to Jobs and Family Services and was told I needed an apt. to get an apt. I spoke to a guy and gave him most of the info. I then got an apt. for a week or two later. I showed up and they gave me a "pager" and I asked where to wait. I was there about an hour and never got paged and so I asked what was going on. They said I was supposed to be upstairs. I explained I had asked where to wait and was told to have a seat right there. I went up stairs and was told I missed my apt. I told them b.s. I was downstairs waiting for the past 90 minutes so they took the info.
They turned down the application saying my mom owned stock and she would have to sell that and be "completely broke" before getting on Medicaid. I appealed, and we lost. She didn't own stock, there had been an insurance policy with the name "stock" in the title.
I needed to refile. I had to get an apt. to get an apt. again. When I got to the point of supplying the info the clerk said, "I see your mom owns stock". I told him he didn't see diddly $**** since I had to start all over, there couldn't possibly be any information concerning my mom in their computer.
I had to jump through more hoops but she finally got Medicaid and she died just a few months later.
They needed a picture ID card, they needed a sworn statement from the funeral home stating her pre-paid funeral couldn't be cashed in for cash later on, etc.
Most of the folks in the waiting room with 30 years olds with their 4 or 5 kids waiting to get back on the dole. My mom was in her late 80s and had worked many years. She didn't even know my name at that point.
When I turned 65 I didn't have any trouble getting on Medicare, it was all done through the mail, mostly handled by the state retirement system.
Good luck down the road folks.
Greg and VetaYep, I think the people working at the SS office should be the ones to administer our healthcare.


padrooWhere did you have to go to sign up for Medicade in your state? Isn't it a state program, not a federal?
ed monahanIt is a Fed. program administered by the states, as far as I know. Jobs and Family Services, formerly Welfare.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 03-02-2013 at 10:44 PM

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