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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Obama calls for ideas to create new jobs....
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bjprowler He listed "moving forward on an aggressive agenda for energy efficiency and weatherization" as a prime candidate for quick action. (this is a quote from the prez)

Hmmmmmm...Let's see now...How much does a guy earn blowing insulation in the attics of low income housing projects?

Of course, he'll need full benefits, paid health care, sick leave, pension, company car, etc, etc.....Good thinkin' B.O.!...

BUT WAIT!!!! Isn't global warming is going to put this guy out of work?.....But there's one thing I agree with B.O. about.....Americans urgently need an "exit strategy"....It's called Jan 20, 2013.

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-03-2009 at 08:27 PM

heynow14Who was it that wanted hamburger flipping to be counted as manufacturing jobs? BUT WAIT! Global Change requires you to cool your house too!


Originally posted by heynow14:
Who was it that wanted hamburger flipping to be counted as manufacturing jobs?

That only applied to Michigan,,where so many only want to flip hamburgers and draw government assistance checks.

Who was it that took mega millions $$$ from Tyson Foods,,and then O.K.'d a new chicken processing plant in Arkansas, which allowed raw chicken waste to be dumped into the fresh water river?

BeWare Hmmm! The US Chamber of Commerce and the NFIB the two largest business organization in the US were excluded from the Job Summit. Coincidentally both spoke out against Obama Health Care Reform. I wonder why they were not included? Could it possibly be the petulant child like President and his little club don't want to hear anything that conflicts with their agenda.

Not my words but dead on accurate

Obama's Jobs Summit excluded: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the National Federation of Independent Business, perhaps because of Obama's excessive spending on such plans as a health system overhaul. Obama's list of attendees failed to include even just one name of a prominent labor economist. What Obama did include were many of the same groups that supported Obama's failing Stimulus Spending package such as Labor Union officials, "Change to Win" officials, Democrat leaders. The effort clearly excludes persons who might be in the best position to help create jobs and persons who might be critical of Obama's policies.

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