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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Obama Airlines
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
docjc65This weekend, on Obama's "date night" to New York, he took a more "fuel efficient" airplane... Instead of having to take one airplane; however, they had to take THREE passanger airplanes to accomodiate his supports and staff, not including the aircraft used to fly this lemo and security vehicles to New York. How long ago was it that Obama got on the case of the auto execs. who flew their company aircraft to a meeting in Washington? Oh yes, this trip to New York was Michelle Obama's third pleasure trip in May to New York City. Do you think now that Obama is going to be the Executive in Charge of GM and Chrysler that they will drive one of the new fuel efficient cars to New York!!!
BeWareSo far the taxpayer portion paid for this date is estimated at $24K and counting. The White House refuses to provide the information. The Dems are telling us to tighten our belts and make sacrifices. Unfortunately they don't seem to practice what they preach.
catfishwhy didnt he drive his vega,oh i know,it needed a new engine,and after all these years it was just a pile of rust in his driveway.


alrtgDon't you remember that saying:

Do as I say....Not as I do!

Originally posted by BeWare:
So far the taxpayer portion paid for this date is estimated at $24K and counting. The White House refuses to provide the information. The Dems are telling us to tighten our belts and make sacrifices. Unfortunately they don't seem to practice what they preach.

MDProwlerFunny how when it used to fly to Texas it never got your attention.
Originally posted by MDProwler:
Funny how when it used to fly to Texas it never got your attention.

True Obama may not be doing anything different than what other Presidents have done. Well maybe a little. Three pleasure trips to New York in his first six months could be considered a little over the top. However what is different is the hypocrisy of saying Americans need to cut back, reduce spending and make sacrifices and then doing the exact opposite. Criticize the wealthy for living a lavish lifestyle and then doing it yourself. But them again most if not all politicians are hypocrites. But wait I thought that Obama promised to be different and was going to change the way politicians do things in Washington. Along with other campaign promises he has already broken I guess he is no different after all.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 06-02-2009 at 10:33 AM

ed monahanThird trip in MAY, not in 6 months. He got elected by promising change. He was going to end the war immediately, close Gitmo, etc. Now that he got elected he decided he had to stay the course. Maybe he is getting smarter !!!! Naw, he was smart enough to tell folks what they wanted to hear so he could get elected. Another 3 1/2 years of this.

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