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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareState Dept. says $400 million cash payment to Iran was contingent on American prisoners' release

WASHINGTON (AP) -- State Dept. says $400 million cash payment to Iran was contingent on American prisoners' release.

BeWare13 days ago. The south end of a north bound horse lies again. I think he is pathological.

President Obama Denies $400 Million Payment to Iran Was a Ransom

President Barack Obama attempted to shoot down speculation that the United States had paid a ransom to Iran for the release of four American hostages.

Instead, Obama said Thursday that a $400 million cash transfer sent to Tehran in January only coincidentally aligned with the release of the hostages.


This message has been edited by BeWare on 08-18-2016 at 03:03 PM

StingRayCome on, expect anything less from the self proclaimed most transparent administration EVER?!?
Randy CobbRich:

On your first post I clicked on the link and could not find the story of the ransom.

BeWareThere many now on the internet. Here are a couple


BeWareCharles Krauthammer's take


This message has been edited by BeWare on 08-19-2016 at 09:13 AM

Randy CobbThanks Rich.
Googled and found a lot of stories.
Shouting back to lib friends who denied it was ransom.
KlasKatWe all should know by now that all of what Obama says is ALL lies, when I hear him start to talk I hit the mute button before I throw up in my mouth. Just take what he says and turn it around 180 and you will have what he really wants to do. 5 more months of this worthless empty suite.
Randy CobbBe interesting how the media covers this?
More like....I wonder how the media will spin this?

This is an outright lie.
If I remember right, he said linking the $400m and the release was not a ransom and to say so was playing politics.

ed monahanA VERY SMALL article on the inside page of USA TODAY and they still didn't really come out and admit it, kind of played with the words a little so it didn't sound quite as bad. Incredible.
ALLEY CATObama presidency:

The most "Transparent Presidential Administration" in history!

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