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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Now this is a 4 wheeler!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
garysss http://www.youtube.com/embed/GzXVLbs41Ew
padrooVery impressive. I can see a military use for this. Looks like something from road warriors.
SirRealPretty impressive as a three wheeler as well.
Originally posted by SirReal:
Pretty impressive as a three wheeler as well.

Most rock crawlers don't have that much power, looks like dangerous FUN

That is a high dollar toy, surprised it was only over once

BeWareMan that thing sure does bounce. Looks like every precaution possible has been taken for the occupants safety. Not sure about the on-lookers safety though.
ALLEY CATTangled up in Blue recently got the 4 wheeler bug, and bought his first unit:

ed monahanI see they took the training wheels off of it.
ALLEY CATThey did take the training wheels off, after Bell had nearly 50 miles on it AND after going down a steep hill and flipping over the front bar,,,,,that there were hand brakes on it. Hence, the helmet he now wears!
He doesn't learn very fast, lol.
CJHmmm....nothing like destroying trees and the landscape (not to mention erosion). (huh)
RPLWhen I was with Jeep, we spent a lot of time working to dispel this kind of usage. One video plants an image in the public's mind that can't be overcome. Tails all over the country are being closed each year eliminating public access to public lands for recreational usage.

We worked with Jeep Jamboree USA, Tread Lightly and state and local 4WD clubs to clean up trails and keep them available for use.

This type of use provides the same ammunition against off-road use that mass shootings provide anti-gun advocates.

I appreciate the capability and engineering that went into this extreme crawler. I just can't condone the environmental damage. I just hope that it was on private versus public land.

BeWareI believe those videos were shot at Grayrock Off Road Park in Alabama.


This message has been edited by BeWare on 01-08-2013 at 01:57 PM



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