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Topic:NoCal - April 10-13 - Prowlin' Around Southern Nevada
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
FL PhilThis year we decided to spend 3 days at the Primm Valley Resort & Casino. We will have our private parking in the Valet area as we have for the past 2 years.

You can start making your Hotel Reservations.

Here is the Nevada Shirt Logo

This message has been edited by CA Phil on 02-17-2003 at 03:28 PM

CatwomanDrat! I'd love to go and bring some AZ folks along but I think there are plans for that weekend already. Will have to check. I'm sure it will be another GREAT trip!


This message has been edited by Catwoman on 01-26-2003 at 06:03 PM

FL PhilWell Bummer,

Hope your event is a different week.

Can you get the Arizona group to share so we don't have conflicts in the future?


This message has been edited by CA Phil on 01-26-2003 at 08:43 PM

FL PhilTentative Agenda
Prowln’ Around Southern Nevada
April 10th-13th, 2003

Some of us will be heading into Primm on Wednesday, April 9th, 2003. Phil is determined to ride the roller coaster at Buffalo Bill’s. They have told us it will be running – we’ll see! Wednesday night we are planning to go see “Mystere” at Treasure Island. If you would like to see the show call the Mystere Box Office at Treasure Island the phone numbers are 702-796-9999 or 1-800-392-1999 or book online at www.cirquedusoleil.com for reservations. Tickets are $80.00. We plan on attending the 7:30 PM show, however, there is also a 10:30 PM show.

Thursday is a free day for arriving in Primm,take a nap, shop, gamble or take a drive to Red Rock Canyon and Mount Charleston. Debbie and Steve Faint have graciously offered to hold an “Open House” for us. We did this last year and it was great fun! Dinner plans are still in the works.

Friday it’s off to Hoover Dam and a self-guided tour. Parking is $5.00 and the tour cost is $10.00. After the tour it’s off for some cruising along Lake Mead up to Valley of Fire State Park. If we’re done early enough a drive through Red Rock Canyon (for those who didn’t do it on Thursday) could be done. Final details for dinner are still in the works.

Saturday will be a long day. We’ll head up to the ET Highway and stop in Rachael and hopefully have lunch at the Little A-Le-Inn. Round trip is approximately 360 miles. Dinner will most likely be at the hotel in Primm.

Sunday it will be time to say our farewells and head back home.

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This message has been edited by CA Phil on 02-17-2003 at 03:31 PM

ALLEY CATBringing up to top for any last minute Nevada or So-Cal owners who were thinking about attending this event.

We have room for many more Prowlers to cruise along with us.

Contact Phil or Steve Faint for more updated information ASAP

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