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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Newt Gingrich: CNN is less biased than Fox
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeIn what some might consider an act of GOP political suicide, Newt Gingrich slammed Fox News earlier this week, saying that the cable news channel has favored Mitt Romney throughout the 2012 Republican race—and that CNN has been the more "fair-and-balanced" network this cycle.

"I think Fox has been for Romney all the way through," Gingrich said during a meeting with tea party leaders in Delaware on Wednesday, according RealClearPolitics.com, which said it was granted access to the private event. "In our experience, Callista and I both believe CNN is less biased than Fox this year. We are more likely to get neutral coverage out of CNN than we are of Fox, and we're more likely to get distortion out of Fox. That's just a fact."

The former House Speaker blasted the Roger Ailes-led network, blaming Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of Fox News-owner News Corp., for the bias.

"I assume it's because Murdoch at some point said, 'I want Romney,' and so 'fair and balanced' became 'Romney,'" Gingrich said. "And there's no question that Fox had a lot to do with stopping my campaign because such a high percentage of our base watches Fox."

"This is nothing other than Newt auditioning for a windfall of a gig at CNN—that's the kind of man he is," a spokeswoman for Fox News responded in a statement to Yahoo News. "Not to mention, he's still bitter about the fact that we terminated his contributor contract." (Gingrich was dropped by Fox last year shortly before he announced his presidential bid.)

Gingrich added that he will attend the White House Correspondents' Association dinner later this month—as a guest of CNN.

"The only press events I go to are interesting dinners when the wife insists on it, so we're going to go to the White House Correspondents' dinner because she wants to. And we're actually going to go to CNN's table, not Fox."

Manufacture or perish.

ed monahanWow, and along the libs said Newt was a crackpot, now he is someone you believe in. lol
BeWarePew Research survey


Your Ad Hominem statement does not negate the posting. Would you actually like to address the issue Gingrich raises?

reech,,,,,May I?

Since Newt would have to win 90% of the possible nomination votes still remaining to get the call to be the selected candidate (which isn't going to happen),,,,,FOX NEWS, being Fair and Balanced, not surprisingly has opted to call Mitt as the Republican nominee to run against your beloved BHO.
Quite simple.......

Maybe time for Newt to look over his campaign fund$ and expenditure$,,,,and call it a gallant effort..

ed monahan
Originally posted by reechee:

Your Ad Hominem statement does not negate the posting. Would you actually like to address the issue Gingrich raises?

Gingrich has been treated as a total crackpot by the libs.
Now he is bent out of shape because he lost and he needs to take out his frustration on someone and blame someone for his loss, so he says he got the short straw from Fox.
If you didn't believe in him to begin with, why worry about what he is saying now !!!! If he was a crackpot 6 months ago or 3 months ago, why put any credence into what he is claiming now.
On the flip side, if he said CBS or NBC didn't treat him fairly would you have posted that blurb?

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