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Topic:New seat covers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Jim R.Have a quick question for the group , recently one of my seats has split and the vinyl looks pretty bad. Has anyone on this form found a supplier making aftermarket replacement leather seat covers for this car and if so could you pass the name on today. I've installed seat covers for my other cars I've owned in the past to replace the originals with great success but unfortunately I cannot find anyone making covers that will ship to me for so I can install. Katskins indicates they make one but their installer needs to install.
MDProwlerFrom what I know the seats are leather and the seat cover is molded to the cushion. I'm sure someone will chime in with more information.
catfishthe part you sit on is leather,the sides and backs are vinyl.any reputable upholstry shop should be able to fix it.


georgieboyThe seat covers, the part you sit on, are leather. The rest is vinyl. The covering is bonded to the foam cushioning of the seat. It is very difficult and costly to seperate. Recently I had a new set of red and black covers made for my Kat. It cost $1000. The upholster seperated the old covering from the foam. He did a beautiful job but $1000 is a lot of money just for 2 covers.
Unfortunately, the leather and foam core are bonded together and takes some skill to separate. A few have tried. I have a set of the patterned foam cores Bob (RealRod) sold. This uses your original seat frames and any patterned leather, if you're interested - $700 + shipping. seat foam . I believe Rich Ware, George Maxey and a few others used this method.


Jim R.Wow thanks for the information,my seats have torn on the left edge and it is vinyl and not leather.i will start checking local upholstery shops. Would like to gets offering color. Will advise what I find.

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