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Topic:New Wheels
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TerryThe inner wheel chrome pitting has finally forced a decision. Re-chrome the stock ones or venture into the world of after-market wheels. At a estimated price of $500 per wheel and an extended time of Prowler-on-blocks, I chose after-market route.
After many agonizing trips to the Fifth Gear (wheels-tires-accesories) and made a final choice. I had decided that I would only accept a five spoke wheeel. Foose Nitrous was one of only a few that offered 18" to 22" that would fit the Prowler and have five spokes.
So I ordered 18" for the front and 22" for the rear. They should be here in a week or so.
I hope that I will like the result.
HowardGreat looking wheels. Here is a link if anyone wants to see them.
Wayne FinchNice wheels
RHinsonPost pictures, because I would love to see how it looks.
YellowFeverThis place will not only rechrome but, fix the wheel for a total of $250/per wheel.

I took a 22" aluminum wheel off the SRT10 that looked like a shark chewwed a good chunk out of. They repaired, mounted, and balanced it for $129.

I know where the chewwed up part was and I can't tell.

They also do powder coating of wheels.

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