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Topic:New Top
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
StrokerNew Top!
New top has little rain gutters sewn on above side windows.
It will bounce a quarter like a recruit's bunk.
I have the back glass from old top if anyone has use for it .Has oem marking.
katmatLooks Great!
Gortlooks great.
pumpkinvery nice


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"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

WildCatLooks good, who made the top?

Guy out of Florida had a tan top put on his Orange cat back years ago, he built street rods and had a buddy of his make the top and included the drip rail, (should have come from factory with them)

DrillinUHi, new top looks nice.

Can you tell me how much you looking for, the glass part?


Originally posted by Stroker:
New Top!
New top has little rain gutters sewn on above side windows.
It will bounce a quarter like a recruit's bunk.
I have the back glass from old top if anyone has use for it .Has oem marking.

Originally posted by WildCat:
Looks good, who made the top?

Guy out of Florida had a tan top put on his Orange cat back years ago, he built street rods and had a buddy of his make the top and included the drip rail, (should have come from factory with them)

I found a trimmer locally who restores Mercedes.
He ordered new top. The manufacturer made it
after he ordered it so new material not 15 year old O E M.
Every one should check their top. Mine was so dry rotted it tore like a 5yr old bbq grill cover when we ripped out the back glass.
I won't quote price but installed it was cheaper than just buying top else where.

phil2237When my car is parked in the garage, I always leave the top UP, but not hooked in the front or rear. I have had mine now 17 years and when I lock the top down , still tight as a drum, with NO creases
drbuttonMy cat likes to use the top as a hammock. Tight? well sort-of. I have to put old sunshades on the car to try and keep her off. Yes she has a nice bed. No, I can't keep her out of the garage as the mice will invade the Prowler! Ideas?
robinGo to wal mart buy a cheap king size comforter and throw it on the car .
Cats will never learn......
Keeps the car clean and prevent srcatches.
Easier to throw on tha a car cover....robin

Then one day put the top down and put the comforter on taunt.
Set up camera and watch as the cat jumps up for a nap ...lol

drbutton Great idea! Thank you! Maybe I'll post a video.
DrewWas going to tell you why I needed a cat solution but it was becoming a book, so...duct tape strips, sticky side up, wherever it likes to lay. A wrestling match or two with the tape should cure your kitty too.
NITE-4X4If you have problems with mice, try a bucket trap. I live in the country. The bucket trap eliminates all of the mice in the garage & the barn. You could probably use it to eliminate the cat too if you filled the bucket to the right level.
ed monahanI tried that with a chipmunk. It ate every speck of peanut butter and never fell in the bucket. I later saw a youtube video showing a chipmunk climbing out of a bucket.
GortDo you still have rear window deice?
Gort http://www.convertibletopguys.com/convertible/2065/1997-02-Plymouth-Prowler
quincygood to know someone can make a top for our cars....and currently under a grand (not including installation.)
viperkimTry moth balls & Irish spring bars of soap and some rat poison. An old stray cat wondering around my buildings outside probably helps some too.

I tried that with a chipmunk. It ate every speck of peanut butter and never fell in the bucket. I later saw a youtube video showing a chipmunk climbing out of a bucket.

You got to be smarter than the chipmunk,,,or a bigger/taller bucket, lol

Originally posted by Gort:
Do you still have rear window deice?

Yup. Glass rear window with defogger .
Just don't have the pentastar mark like original.

Originally posted by viperkim:
Try moth balls & Irish spring bars of soap and some rat poison. An old stray cat wondering around my buildings outside probably helps some too.

Got the rat poison, peanut butter traps, sticky pads, water trap, dryer sheets, wintergreen oil bottles, professional "rid-critter" work on the house, old-fashioned mouse traps...killed a few mice, then they seemed to outsmart my tricks. I like the duct tape idea! In Colorado, some of these mice carry Hantavirus - its killed several people in the state this year already. So the issue is one of health, too. The kitty is a mouse killer - what can I say...she ate one in 3 bites once, only 10 feet away from the Prowler (CRUNCH MUNCH CRUNCH!). Swallowed it whole!

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