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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SunriseCruiserCheck out the scrapbook for all new SunriseCruiser Pics. I saw what some of you did with the foglights in the bumpers so I tried it and they are excellent.
butchceewhat's them big firecrackers between the seats?
Mike Krehel
Originally posted by butchcee:
what's them big firecrackers between the seats?

Gotta be the "Flux Capacitor" from the Back to the Future car!

dpenaThese are stiffening capacitors that help the amps when the low bass notes hit. Keeps the current coming strong to the bass speaker coils.

I believe it was 1 farad per 1000 watts or .5 farad (500,000 microfarads) per 500 watts RMS of power output.

So theoretically he must have at least 1000 watts of power or more..

I did this kind of work for about 6 years and then I slowly lost interest..

I still enjoy seeing good installs though..


butchceeI used to be an audiophile of sorts. You are right Dan, and the caps also keep high frequency operational when the bass notes hit. Imagine getting zapped in the elbow by one of those bad boys?
These are stiffening capacitors that help the amps when the low bass notes hit

Well! I've never heard it put quite like that before!

Black Tie 161Wow that's something else!

Looking at this pic, the rear view mirror was removed?!? How can you tell what the temp is outside and if you're going north? LOL...

DR PROWLERGreat to see another all STOCK Prowler!


GenoTexS w e e t
SunriseCruiserThank you for your reply's I just produced a great video not too long but i'll add to it later. It rained down here finally so i took the cat out and spun the tires a lil'. Is there a way to post a video i know Dan has some on his site. Let me know, Thanks.


Originally posted by Mike Krehel:
Gotta be the "Flux Capacitor" from the Back to the Future car!

Mike - You are right,,,that is the Flux Capacitor,,,,I almost forgot all about them. I think I'll install a pair of those in cat #1,,,it needs some additional push. Hope Radio Shack still carries them.

CJTry ebay A/C!

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