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Topic:New Owner
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
dyatesI bought a 2002 Inca Gold with 8K miles this past August. We love the car. It has just over 10K miles now after we took it to Gatlinburg and drove the Blue Ridge Parkway another week-end. I had just purchased a new 2009 Corvette in Sept. 09. I love the Corvette, too and plan on keeping it. But it is hard to imagine the looks and comments you receive when driving the Prowler. I just turned 60 and my wife will turn 60 in a few months and we will have been married 40 years next summer. This purchase was a gift for those special dates.
I enjoy reading this site as I get a lot of valuable info. The only problem I have had since buying the Prowler was the check engine light came on. I took it to a Chrysler Dealership and they fixed it. It had something to do with the emissions system but all is OK now. This is a special car and we plan on riding and enjoying it every summer.
Thanks for your time and have a great time Prowlin.
ed monahanWelcome to the POA and congrats on buying the coolest car around.
Be sure to get involved with the East Coast Posse. They are very active and knowledgable about all things Prowler.
They have a lot of activities and you will enjoy the car even more.
Try driving the tail of the Dragon and the Cherahola (sp) Skyway on the other side of the mountains, it compares with the Blue Ridge Parkway as a very nice drive.
idiveCongratulations on all the birthdays and anniversaries and welcome to the POA! Enjoy the ride!
Welcome to the POA, congrats you will enjoy the Prowler, you picked a perfect gift for the perfect occasions. A few years down the rode you will be celebrating the day you bought your Prowler.


ALLEY CATWELCOME to the website!

CONGRATS on the purchase,,,,we are sure you will ENJOY the ride....


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage.... along with '06 SRT10 Viper Coupe

BeWareCongrats and welcome to the POA. We have now had our Kat just shy of 12 years and it never gets old or boring. As much enjoyment as you get now, try to attend some events and the joy is multiplied 10 fold.
galaxiedyates, congrats on you new prowler. Attend an event next year, you will have a blast.
Koastal CatCongrats and enjoy !!!

- Kcat

Nick MCongratulations you are lucky to have one!
PURRFECTWhat a great decision! Congrats to add countless future SMILES for you (and your bride) enjoying your Prowler. And speaking from our experience, Sue and I recently celebrated our 40th too in 2009, just after we bought our 01 Mulholland, and have been smiling ever since riding to car shows and Kat Pak events! The POA provides you with incredible solutions and network of fun-loving GREAT folks to add to your smiles... We love the POA as much as our prowler.
By the way, I can send you a miniature Inca-Gold prowler if you want it (free) (which I bought to paint dark blue, and now have one that CJ gave me during the Woodward cruise 2010). Just send me a PM and I will mail it to you.
And Merry Christmas with your new toy too!
Norm and Sue


David Veu CasovicWelcome to the POA, and hope to see you at a Prowler Event.

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