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Topic:Never say never
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortI never thought I would see the day I would order mudflaps for a car. Ordered my first pair today. Catfish is right..I'm beginning to see how the side of the car can get chipped. As usual..photos coming.
alrtgDid you find a set of OE mud flaps or go with the ones Tom Mills makes that are 1" shorter?

I have the OE version on my Kat and they frequently scrape when going over speed bumps or in and out of some driveways so I at some point plan on replacing mine with a set from Tom.

TerryOne of my first mods was a pair of front OEM mud flaps.
If I remember correctly, I cut off about 1.5 to 2" off of them so that I could cross speed bumps with greater peace of mind.

This message has been edited by Terry on 02-19-2014 at 04:39 PM

Originally posted by alrtg:
Did you find a set of OE mud flaps or go with the ones Tom Mills makes that are 1" shorter?

I have the OE version on my Kat and they frequently scrape when going over speed bumps or in and out of some driveways so I at some point plan on replacing mine with a set from Tom.

You know, us old pioneers utilized a method of etching the shape of the opposite mud flap on the other side, and then trimming them down either 1/2" or an inch with sheers. Save you some money, and you could do it now to the ones you have. They look factory,

Originally posted by alrtg:
Did you find a set of OE mud flaps or go with the ones Tom Mills makes that are 1" shorter?

I have the OE version on my Kat and they frequently scrape when going over speed bumps or in and out of some driveways so I at some point plan on replacing mine with a set from Tom.

Tom Mills

Originally posted by StingRay:
You know, us old pioneers utilized a method of etching the shape of the opposite mud flap on the other side, and then trimming them down either 1/2" or an inch with sheers. Save you some money, and you could do it now to the ones you have. They look factory,

I have considered taking the ones I have off and run them through the band saw in my basement but will likely go with the Mill's short version and keep the stock one for a purist.

JeraneWI installed OEM guards when my Kat was new. Someone on this site told me to use the two end bolts only and with Loctite on the threads. Now 11 years later, all is well. I just keep alert, avoid backing up in tall grass, etc. Mine scrape the ground on real sharp turns but never a problem.
CJFirst thing done on my cats was the mud flaps. I've never trimmed mine and not had any problems. Just be careful and whatever you do......don't drive over speed bumps!
Originally posted by alrtg:
I have considered taking the ones I have off and run them through the band saw in my basement but will likely go with the Mill's short version and keep the stock one for a purist.
You've made light of its illegitimate concerns, but I'd suspect there probably IS out there a being such as a "Prowler mud flap purist" --- one whose single-minded, anal-retentive, and total inflexibility also drives it to search desperately for ways to recapture the air that ORIGINALLY was in his or her Prowler's tires.
Originally posted by SHOW CAR:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by alrtg:
[B] I have considered taking the ones I have off and run them through the band saw in my basement but will likely go with the Mill's short version and keep the stock one for a purist.

You've made light of its illegitimate concerns, but I'd suspect there probably IS out there a being such as a "Prowler mud flap purist" --- one whose single-minded, anal-retentive, and total inflexibility also drives it to search desperately for ways to recapture the air that ORIGINALLY was in his or her Prowler's tires.[/B][/QUOTE]

I know.
There are ALWAYS "Purists" out there for virtually every car produced. When a car is relatively new, it is not such a big deal but once the car reaches a certain age there are those that criticize what others did to them during their lifetime. It seems inevitable that the Prowler will one day fall into that category too.

Generally when I make a modification to a car, I try to keep in mind what it would take to put it back to stock one day. Sometimes I care, other days I don't so much.

silverkatAndria I don't know about people wanting original air in the tires. That's downright silly but your concern about not trimming you originals is well founded. You're right saving those as they were originally made makes more sense and possibly buying the aftermarkets that are shorter is the way to go. Can't go wrong that way.
beachcatI have a jar of original prowler tire air for sale if anyone is interested. It's like new. Still has the smell of the Goodyear plant.

Fits all years

This message has been edited by beachcat on 02-23-2014 at 09:04 PM

GortI've got a mason jar with 2014 Nitrogen...I'll trade you..grin
JeraneWHow much for quart; or better yet, I need a quart for each tire. Is there a quanity discount?
Originally posted by beachcat:
I have a jar of original prowler tire air for sale if anyone is interested. It's like new. Still has the smell of the Goodyear plant.

Fits all years

Roger, you are quite a salesman!


Is that U.S. Goodyear Prowler tire air or Canadian?

I think there is a difference and I want to be sure before committing to any purchase like this.

It would make a great addition to my collection as I already have some Michigan "Pre-production" pilot car air already.

beachcatI have both nationalities Andria. Canadian is the best bang for your buck now with the 90 cent dollar. It is sold by the liter and it's a few degrees colder.
Originally posted by beachcat:
I have both nationalities Andria. Canadian is the best bang for your buck now with the 90 cent dollar. It is sold by the liter and it's a few degrees colder.

Sounds cool, now we can negotiate.

Originally posted by alrtg:
I have considered taking the ones I have off and run them through the band saw in my basement but will likely go with the Mill's short version and keep the stock one for a purist.

Personally, I've not seen a need to trim them shorter and actually prefer the look of the longer OEM flaps. I'd be happy to take them off your hands when the time comes. If that makes me a purist interested in factory air in my tires, so be it. (Does it count that I actually send my tires back to the factory for air every time they're low?)
xtreme prowlerI need the longer flaps and don't mind the rub... I need to have as much rock chip protection as I can get, 90,000 miles so that's a lot of chips
Originally posted by beachcat:
I have a jar of original prowler tire air for sale if anyone is interested. It's like new. Still has the smell of the Goodyear plant.

Fits all years

I might be interested, but since no pressure gauge was shown, I must ask, what is the pressure of that sacred air?


Mudflaps (hard for me to say that) fit like a glove. No slack,no alignment needed,nothing. Just install three bolts and start taking photos. Tom Mills did a great job. I want the rear flaps as soon as he can make them. Great job Tom.

Tom MillsThanks for the kind words Gort.
The tooling is under way and I should have information on when I should have them ready in about three weeks.
Nice house, where is the snow?? LOL

This message has been edited by Tom Mills on 02-25-2014 at 03:47 PM

GortStarts about midnight. Hopefully less than an inch. Thanks
Originally posted by Terry:
I might be interested, but since no pressure gauge was shown, I must ask, what is the pressure of that sacred air?

In metric it's -12Kps.
It's actually in a vacuum to keep it from deteriorating.

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