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Topic:Never been in the rain
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Want oneJust wondering, I have seen some Prowlers for sale (e-bay)
that say never been in the rain ! I thought I had read somewhere that all new cars go through an extensive rain bath / test ?
So how can people claim it has never been in the rain ?
RayOften laughed too at Corvette ads that say "never seen snow or rain" and I have been at the plant in Bowling Green when, on a rare occasion, there was snow covering all the cars staged and awaiting transport loading!! Thick ice too more than once ... and an abundance of good ole Kentucky rain! Too funny ... like they will melt or something I seem to recall a water test booth at CAAP, as I know there is a very high pressure one in BG that soaks the new C6's for 3 minutes!
catfishask alley cat, about the water test,its a good story.


catfishask alley cat about the water test,when he was going thru the assembly plant.its a good one.


anxiety2001If I were to sell my Kat tomorrow, I too would list it as never seen rain or snow ! I don't know what happens at the factory, but while in my possession she has never been rained on. Even when I "wash her" it is with total control not letting the water get away where it is not welcome, and I never use a hose! I actually use bottled water too! I have a bad feeling she will get wet at the Dells though! -Anxiety
superhappyfunballWell, so far I've never taken #100 out if there was a chance of rain, and thus I've never been caught in the rain. We'll see how that lasts. I does get quite a bit of bathing, however.
redmanOK, I have to ask. What is the pro's/con's of it being in the rain. Why is it a big deal?
Originally posted by redman:
OK, I have to ask. What is the pro's/con's of it being in the rain. Why is it a big deal?

Less crap to clean on the underside of the cat. Would you want to buy one that has been driven in the mud? If one hasn't seen rain or snow,,,chances are it is really clean underneath.


Prowlers were water tested for leaks at CAAP. During our tour in 2001,,,the gal leading our group and explaining all the assembly stations, was named Sandra. I told her she had a good job just doing the tour groups. She says to me: " NO,,,,,my job is water testing all the Prowlers for leaks before leaving the plant. I pulled her over and told her NOT to share that with the rest of the group. Sandra says WHY? I say: Because they ALL leak water!!
She wanted to argue with me, so I told her to tell the group what her actual job was with the Prowlers,,,,,,,she decided not to mention her official job,,,

Complete denial that they leak water,,,,she just couldn't believe it, lol.

Originally posted by anxiety2001:
...and I never use a hose! I actually use bottled water...-Anxiety
Now THAT is ANAL, pardner!
Randy Cobbredman -

If there is a high probability of rain I don't take my Kat out simply because I tend to keep it a lot cleaner than my daily driver and when I do drive the Prowler I like for it to be clean as possible.

That doesn't mean that I get upset if I get caught in the rain, which happens on occassion.

Marty Usher
Originally posted by anxiety2001:
If I were to sell my Kat tomorrow, I too would list it as never seen rain or snow ! I don't know what happens at the factory, but while in my possession she has never been rained on. Even when I "wash her" it is with total control not letting the water get away where it is not welcome, and I never use a hose! I actually use bottled water too! I have a bad feeling she will get wet at the Dells though! -Anxiety

Anxiety - we need to get you to loosen up and have fun with
your Prowler. By the time we are done converting you at the Dell's event you will be trying to drive you car down one of the water slides at the theme parks in the area and you will be changing your screen name from Anxiety2001 to something like WetnWild2001 !

Randy CobbI don't know of any owner that has more fun with his/her Prowler than Marty!
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

Complete denial that they leak water,,,,she just couldn't believe it, lol.

AC .. they probably did not leak in their little booth with nozzles adjusted just so ... but at highway speeds, the seals and windows move and then they leak ... oh well. Buy most any original mid-year Corvette convertible, they all leaked too. That IS a funny story about her deciding NOT to say anything though ... balk, balk balk ... LOL

ALLEY CATExactly Ray. I know that most converts leak,,,most of us know the Prowler leaks,,,,but this gal was convinced that all of them 'never' leaked water inside, lol.

It doesn't concern me that the cat leaks during a rain storm,,,as we only get 7" of rain per year. On the other hand,,,getting 10" of rain in Texas in four days,,,,that was another matter Can I say soaker cat?

Some guys like Dan Pena and GaryE,,,,like to drive in driving rain storms >>>> with the top down

Black Tie 161Want One: good point! LOL.

My BT was a daily driver for 3 years until I quit my job. It has been thru snow, ice, rain and 2" hail! The day I scraped my Base security stickers off the car, it officially went back to "TOY". Now I won't drive it in the rain, and am slowly reclaiming it back to shiny.

A Prowler that has never been thruogh bad weather looks like a jewel. Now I can see those who would never let their car see rain...

Now washing your car in your driveway is a lot different than driving through rain too.

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Some guys like Dan Pena and GaryE,,,,like to drive in driving rain storms >>>> with the top down

That is actually a lot of fun. um.. from what I hear.

Marty UsherI look forward to the day when I can buy a car just to have fun with. Maybe I'll become "anal" with it but that reminds me of ....... nevermind

I really have no choice - it's either use my Prowler as a daily driver or sell it and drive a SUV or whatever. As far as others not driving their's in the rain or washing it with bottle water, or getting on their back to polish the underside, or worrying about rock chips, etc. - you all go for it if that's what makes you happy. Just enjoy your car.

2000CatI was told they will melt, man I can't afford to take a chance and find out, God forbid
Northern CatHmmmmm...guess they never been to a POA event in the last three years...and they never wash there Kat...I use water
myself....and lots of it....lol



CJBob used to freak about the cats being in the rain, but has mellowed about that.......it's a fact of life on a POA event and they do clean up!

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