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Topic:Need someone that can draw like a Foose drawing
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
mcrealtyI am doing a project and I need some sketches done. If anyone can draw like Foose does and would be willing to help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

I need some sketches of the Prowler with Diablo doors, Prowler Pro engine, no front bumper or fenders.

A Ford F350 crew cab that has been slammed and stretched about 40 inches.

A Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle with a 10" swingarm extension.

And trailer about 40' long with a side that opens creating a stage area.

This message has been edited by mcrealty on 11-04-2006 at 03:51 PM

ALLEY CATI can't volunteer his services,,,,but L.D. Bell in Indiana is quite good at drawings. Here is some of his work:

Good luck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

ProwlerGTSAbout the best I can do...


ed monahan
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
I can't volunteer his services,,,,but L.D. Bell in Indiana is quite good at drawings. Here is some of his work:

Good luck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

And Mr. Ed tries to say that those four years in the third grade did him no good!!! I guess that proves Mr. Ed wrong. Art class paid off.

ALLEY CATMonahan - did you know,,,that Bell was 21 when they gave him his h/school diploma? Actually,,he hadn't passed all the classes, they just wanted him out of the school. Then, they forged his military induction papers,,,wanting him out of New Castle. It was a shock to the community, when he returned.

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