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Topic:Need input on a potential item for the Prowler Store
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJAs you know, we are no longer purchasing the 1:64 scale Maisto Prowlers which owners used to hand out to kids at car shows, parades, etc. Maisto continued to raise the price every year (imagine that!) and it became too expensive.

One of our vendors approached us with a potential replacement item for the little cars. It is called:

Super Bright Flashing Pendant/Pin

They make any kind of pin you want, with flashing lights. They come with a lanyard (to wear around your neck) or with a magnetic closer for wearing on your clothes. It includes a small round battery (replaceable). They are made with a hard plastic.

The proposed design is a Prowler (similar to the one in our club logo) with the word Prowler underneath. Minimum order is 1,000 pieces. Like the cars, we would have to choose a single color. If they prove to be popular, we could do them like we did the cars....a different color each order.

The picture below is an example, showing a #9 Dodge Nascar. Two lights were placed low on the grill, one on the back fender and two on the number 9.

If you think you'd be interested in ordering quantities of this pin for hand-outs, please post here.

SirRealWhile nothing will have the WOW factor of the Maisto's, this will work well with boys and girls. Not that I ever had a little girl give a Maisto back I would be interested. I'm not looking forward to the day my last Maisto is given out. This will ease that pain. I'm in.
Thank You CJ!
nitrosteveI like it I would buy some.

This message has been edited by nitrosteve on 02-09-2009 at 10:34 PM

ed monahanCJ, do we have a ball park price for them?
BeWarePrice would be a key factor.
bjprowlerDon't think so......jmo
blackcatI might be interested. Need more details.
Dave MillsNot to my liking.....
JUSTAKIDWould love to see a price , sounds interesting and different
CJThe pin would be about $.85 ea. but since there doesn't seem to be much interest, I will not be pursuing this. It was just an idea.

Thanks for the responses.

nitrosteveHi CJ,

I would commit to buy 100 of these. They would be great giveaways.


Blue KatAt .85 each, I would be interested in them! Probably a 100 . . .
blackcatI'd be in..........and Rick told me his brother will buy 10000............

This message has been edited by blackcat on 02-13-2009 at 09:17 PM

SirRealCJ it was a VERY GOOD idea! I for one want to say thank you for trying to help us out. You didn't have to, but you did. As of this writing there have been 488 views and 13 replies. I don't get it. This idea was for giveaways for the kids. I know of no other car that would require giveaways but the Prowler is just different. I think when the Maistos are gone and Spring hits, people will regret not helping to make this happen. Anyway thanks again for your efforts and please don't give up
ed monahanI would be in for 100 if interest ever picks up on these.
lalrjgAt that price I would definitely be interested in a few.
GenoTexJust how high has the Maisto price become anyway?
CJGene.....the last time Bob ordered the Maisto cars, they were $65 a case. There were 72 cars in a case. The problem is with Maisto. Every year, they raised the price. In addition, they promised to produce other colors for us (which we ordered) and didn't follow through on that. Bob was also told that the next order would have another price increase due to material costs, shipping, blah..blah...blah (greed?)

As the price continued to increase, it became more difficult to get enough owners to commit to buying them. There were a number of people (each year) that committed to purchasing but then backed out after they arrived, not paying for them.

ivegotsugarCJ I would be interested in the pins and would pay in advance for my order .As a newbie I did not have the chance to purchase any of the Maisto Prowlers ,so I would like to have something to give out to the children
Thank you for your time and research on making the POA a great and unique organization that we can be proud of .
Originally posted by CJ:
Gene.....the last time Bob ordered the Maisto cars, they were $65 a case. There were 72 cars in a case. The problem is with Maisto. Every year, they raised the price. In addition, they promised to produce other colors for us (which we ordered) and didn't follow through on that. Bob was also told that the next order would have another price increase due to material costs, shipping, blah..blah...blah (greed?)

As the price continued to increase, it became more difficult to get enough owners to commit to buying them. There were a number of people (each year) that committed to purchasing but then backed out after they arrived, not paying for them.

what a shame...on so many levels

AnimatorMe no like-y. Just my opinion. But THANK you for looking out for us... I still have some Maistro cars and would buy more of those if they became available...
CJAnimator, I appreciate your input. Bob won't ever be doing the Maisto cars again. Too much hassle with Maisto and too much money out of our pocket (from people who don't make good on their orders) and a LOT of work for us.

If anyone else wants to take on Maisto, go for it.

Here's what you'd be in for!!

The shipment of 16,056 POA Candy Red Prowlers, all 223 cases weighing approximately 1,800#, arrived late yesterday afternoon. We worked well into the night and through today. All paid orders were prepared for shipment within 24 hours of their arrival, including those to Canada. We must have made the Post Office's day with something like $2,500 in postage.

garysssCj and Bob Thank you very much again, for all the time and hard work you've done getting us the Maisto cars in the past. All of us who have received them do appreciate it.

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