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Topic:Neat pics of V-8 going into a Prowler
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
1buddycCheck out the Picture Display on Dream Car Garage of installation of a Z-06 427 V-8 into a Prowler. Pretty neat.. www.dreamcargarage.com

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 07-28-2006 at 10:38 PM

RED5thanks for posting that.

Is it me or is the frame black in the 2nd picture and aluminum in the last couple photos?

IM IN XTChow much did that cost i want one to ...


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1buddycThe Black frame looks like a Frame Jig, possibly for mocking everything up before fitting the Engine in the original Aluminum frame. Still, quite an extensive project..
keesStunning project. Looks awesome.
Wonder if they had to make any modifications to the chassis
to cope with the extra HP's and torque.

Best regards,



Kruisin KatI'm pretty sure that the black frame is the same one. the pictures are not in correct order. The pictures of the body on the silver frame are when they were possitioning the engine and trans for fitment and mount fabrication. The black frame is after all the mounts and misc. were figured out and is on final assembly. (the painted firewall on the tub is the indicator of the time line of the pictures)
ALLEY CATYa think it will overheat when cruising Woodward Ave. on a hot August day?
Kevin AThey totally voided the warranty with that mod...
Rpowell593The owner of this car has posted on the site, and I'm pretty sure he said they did reinforce the frame to avoid twisting the frame from the amount of torque it produces. One awesome ride

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