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Topic:Nascar Fans Today?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cnote6Speak up!
meancatJust got here with 100 lap's to go.


jd2ksilverGee what a exciting race. Kinda gives credence to Stewart's remarks of last week.

This message has been edited by jd2ksilver on 04-29-2007 at 05:01 PM

Mike DowneyRestrictor plate racing is exciting if you like waiting for the big wreck to happen.
Dave MillsThere is more excitement in watching chrome rust than there is plate racing.
SuperKatEnjoyed the race. Could have done without the wrecks and hated to see the last caution flags. Good to see the Petty cars in the top 20; Kyle was 12th Bobby fought back from three laps down to finish 20. Stewart is right in many cases; Atlanta was a perfect example.
Cal KidNASCRAP!!!!!!!!
WildCatI think Tony was right, they determine the winners many times, what took so long to clean up? I didn't see any trucks or cleanup guys in the 10 min. of yellow running, I thought they were trying to see who would run out of gas 1st

WNF world nascar federation

nitrosteveUsual NASCAR stupidity! How can anyone win a race when there is no race? Winning under caution is not winning, it's a gift from the NASCAR GODS. Their rules are the craziest things I have ever seen. That's why we are drag racers, we have never won or lost a race under caution, we race til there's a winner!
Paul BIf NASCRAP was smart, they would take their conformity, ultrabrite appearance marketing and just tell the guys GO RACE! Its what made Petty, and Foyt, and Parsons, and Earhnardt and all the other GREATS of out racing time great, they were smart, they worked hard to MAKE a car, not just conform to some cookie cutter idea of what NASCRAP wants. Give the guys a car, some tools and let em go, let the best TEAM, the best Driver and the best CAR win. There is not any more money and equality argument, with all the sponsors and money in racing, no one can cry poor anymore.
my 2 cents.
paul b
Larry LordNASCAR can't always determine who wins a race, but they can and sometimes do, determine who doesn't.
Tony's one of the few who tell it like it is.

That's exactly why I quit racing NASCAR in 1988.
I had it happen to me a two occasions.

Gary CI like Wind Tunnel. Dave tells it the way it is. His show this weekend interviewed Drivers which some said "We Are Entertainers.

Tony needs to double his meds, lol, j/k, joke,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't need anymore death threats...

ed monahanThanks to Butchcee.

Mother's Day poem from Dale Earnhardt Jr. to Teresa Earnhardt:

Stepmommy Dearest, I wish to say,
That I hope you have a happy Mother's Day,
But let us forgo the hugging and embracing,
'Cause I'm leaving you for Childress Racing.

I learned life's lessons upon your knee,
You made me cornbread and sweet tea,
I can't tell you all you've meant,
But I'm outta here unless I get 51 percent

I bring you flowers, I bring you candy,
I bring you a bottle of the finest French brandy,
Now pour a glass and drink it dry,
'Cause now there's no DE in your DEI.

Gary CAmen
SimonsezI have lost faith in good hard NASCAR racing . It is a production no different than any other TV show.

As far as Teresa Earnhart goes...Tony Stewart said it best. "Without Junior, she now own's a museum".

BeWareWithout the manufacture name painted on the nose and tail I defy anyone to tell one brand of car from another. I had not seen the car of tomorrow until I accidently ran across the Darlington race. My first thought . What's up with the wing on the rear? Looks like a something off a rice burner. I guess it's their way of welcoming Toyota. Doesn't matter. They lost me years ago.
I'll bet Dale SR looking down on the current situation between his widow and son is major pi$$ed off. And not at Dale Junior.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 05-17-2007 at 03:08 PM

Randy CobbI still follow Nascar and have since my Dad took me to the smaller venues as a kid in the 60s such as Hickory, South Boston, Hillsborough (last sanctioned dirt track), North Wilkesboro, etc. Being born & raised in NC it's just in your genes.

Times have changed and NASCAR currently has also. Whether they (the times & Nascar) have changed in parallel is up to interpretation. I still get a rush watching it, either on TV or live, just like I used to as a kid. It was a thrill for me to see Cutis Turner slide through the dirt turns, Petty & Pearson bang it out at Darlington and it's still a thrill to witness Jeff Gordon, Jimmy Johnson, et al on the high banks of Daytona or in the COT at Bristol.

No it's not the same, but I still love it!

Tennessee CatMy opinion of the best way to improve NASCAR would be to reduce the number of laps by 90%. Otherwise it is boring!!!!!!
I rather be driving our Prowler than watching a bunch of the same cars with different colors go around and around at 25 miles an hour most of the time.

cnote6GO 24 48 25 and 5

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