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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Name the place....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Jim SStumbled across this tonite, thought it was pretty cool.

How many folks remember it??????

Larry LordThat's cool!
Nothing at all like it looks today.
John Pritchard did a great job bringing it back to life.
Jim SThought so to Larry when I saw this.

lavkaIs that the filling station in Radiator Springs?

Do you happen to have a picture of how it looks today?

This message has been edited by lavka on 04-16-2009 at 10:21 AM

TFischerHere it is in 2008:

MIKE GATLINI recall stopping at a similar place some time back.

CJWe remember that well.......

Arizona > 2000 Grand Canyon/Route 66 Prowler Tour >

first national Prowler event.


2002 Prowlin' the Colorado Rockies national event.


catfishthat colorado photo looks familiar,the buffalo herd lookout,i believe.name might be different than what i called it.


MIKE GATLINLittle different angle..will always be a most memorable trip. Had this in my office since the time it was taken.

Jim SWell, Looks like you fine folks nailed this one to a tee.

But wait....there's more to the story here.

Who can tell us what Hackberry General Store and something as simple as a corn dog have in common???????

RogerCould it be that Bob Waldmire, a big Route 66 fan, decided to buy the Hackberry General Store in the 1990’s—Bob’s father being the inventor of the Cozy Dog (a corn dog on a stick) and fact that the family still owns today another Route 66 institution, the Cozy Dog Drive-In, located in Springfield Illinois?

But I understand Bob got restless in 1998 and decided to sell the store to John and Kerry Pritchard of Tacoma, Washington, who still own it today and believe that the arrival of the Plymouth Prowlers, put this store on the map for real.

Jim SWell, Can't fool that astute historian Roger.

And in just a few months now, a band of hardy souls will be traversing the country in search of remnants of Route 66, and will be stopping in at that well known institution in Springfield for a corn dog.

Way to go Roger!

Larry LordMy guess was going to be,,,,One's on a stick and the other is in the sticks.

An article sent to me by the Puget Sound Desert Rat
Thanks RF

This message has been edited by Larry Lord on 04-18-2009 at 03:31 PM

MIKE GATLINPuget Sound Desert Rat...now that will stick!
ed monahanI want to know why 2 PT Cruisers and a foreign motorcycle are in the picture!!! Aren't there any standards to this group?
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I want to know why 2 PT Cruisers and a foreign motorcycle are in the picture!!! Aren't there any standards to this group?

The PT's were new to the scene in 2000, and people wanted to see them. The foreign motorcycle, and it's riders, should NOT have been allowed to participate in such a great event,,,,,,but we felt sorry for the lady rider who had to endure the long ride out west, through adverse maritime weather conditions, lol.

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