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Topic:My second ball joint faliure in 1 year!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Ridin DirtyHi guys...im not really new to this board but i forgot my email and login when i first bought my prowler in novemeber 2004.

Okay...im wondering if anybody has suffered another ball joint failiure within 1 year? am i the only one.

when it first happened to me i was totally suprised as i had no idea about it...however it has happened again about last month and i was only doing 30mph

Now i now seriously thinking about my safety because i dont wanna go down the motorway and end my life, so im seriously thinking about selling it at the end of this year.

were any new ball joints/ arms developed after the fault was traced? also does anyone know where to point me in the right direction and buy an aircon pump from?

idiveAfter they found the fault and issued a recall, they should have installed the NEW ball joint type. However, if you've had a failure on yours in the past, they may have replaced it with the old ball joint, or installed an off the shelf A-arm with the old joint type in it. OR, perhaps the recall was never done, causing the first failure. I would check closely to insure your local repair facility has the new ball joints for this install. They may not have gotten them overseas. Let us know as this could have potential for rippling. Good luck!

This message has been edited by idive on 06-10-2006 at 03:05 PM

quincyYou need to take it into a certified Chrysler dealership with a Prowler tech. They can tell if the recall was performed. You must have the replacement/updated joints installed! This is a safety recall which will not cost you out of pocket! Please do not delay!
Ridin Dirtyi cant cause i live in the UK and believe it or not when i pass through in my prowler, the chrysler dealership stare in awe as if president bush has come through
BeWareThis was taken by a post from Kees 07/25/2004. I hope it helps

Go to the Chrysler website through the following link : http://www.chrysler.com/webselfservice/chrysler/inde x.jsp?screenName=recall&country=us&emailUrl=goToEmailForm%28%27R%27%29

Fill in your VIN and you can see if there are any
recalls outstanding yourself.
If a recall has not been performed or has not been
acknowledge by the dealer it will give the recall with
an INCOMPLETE message, meaning you still have to do it.

BeWareAlso this link to Dan's website might be a big help determining if you have the old or new ball joints installed.
RPLThe two lower ball joints are available in a kit. These are the same parts used in the safety recall. The cost of the parts is minimal compared to the safety of yourself and Prowler. Rather than worry about another failure, obtain the correct parts and have them installed. There are people on this site that are willing to help our International owners obtain the parts that they need to support their cars.

I do it all of the time.

This message has been edited by RPL on 06-10-2006 at 08:19 PM

David Veu Casovic
Originally posted by BeWare:
This was taken by a post from Kees 07/25/2004. I hope it helps

Go to the Chrysler website through the following link : http://www.chrysler.com/webselfservice/chrysler/inde x.jsp?screenName=recall&country=us&emailUrl=goToEmailForm%28%27R%27%29

Fill in your VIN and you can see if there are any
recalls outstanding yourself.
If a recall has not been performed or has not been
acknowledge by the dealer it will give the recall with
an INCOMPLETE message, meaning you still have to do it.

David Veu Casovic
Originally posted by BeWare:
Also this link to Dan's website might be a big help determining if you have the old or new ball joints installed.

Rare1I can understand if you have a problem with an official Chrysler dealer!

When I tried to get the recall done, here in Sweden, the answer was that they can not help me anywhere in Europe!
This due to that Prowler was never sold outside of USA and Canada, and therefor they have no obligation to help! Only way was to take the whole cost myself! Still thinking about what to do.


condorIt was no problem for our local official Chrysler dealer to order and to install the parts ( or others...) here in germany.

Luck, I had no problem with the ball joints of bouth of my Prowlers. The balls were replaced in the USA before.

--I drove the Kat´very sporty around the corners in the mountains (alps), drove often 120mp/h along the autobahn. I hope, that I run not in trouble in the future .......


This message has been edited by condor on 12-13-2009 at 04:47 AM

Goop Of Oil Chrysler - Contact Us website Check your Vin number here.
keesHello rare1,

That's strange. Chrysler has a worldwide servicing arrangement though the dealerships.
My local dealer performed a couple of recalls, including the valve clatter at no cost to me.

I would suggest yuo make an offcial complaint and ask for assistance from Chrysler to facilitate the discussion with
your dealership.

Best regards,



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