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Topic:My grandson
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanJoseph, who is 7 and in the second grade called last night. (I am getting old and somewhat hard of hearing and he didn't even say, "hello" but just started in with his story).
He told me he was participating in the class talent show. I wasn't sure which grandchild was calling. I asked if he was singing or dancing and he told me, "no, playing an instrument". That is when I figured out who was calling. I was in the car, on the cellphone. He plays the guitar.
He told me it was in the convocation center, which is next to the school. I asked what song he was playing and he said, THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. I told him I was very proud of him. I asked WHEN he was playing. I figured Thanksgiving or Christmas. He is playing next May. I guess he wanted to make sure I was going to be in town. I rarely get 7 months notice for a school event.
I can't wait for this one. He cracked me up when he told me it was in May.
ed monahanThis kid is as serious as a heart attack. When I beat him at baseball his mom told him that when he got as big as me, he would be able to beat me. He told her I would be dead by then.
Playing basketball he actually backed into me with his arms spread wide to "box me out". He weighs 53 lbs. I picked him up and shot behind my back and put it in the hoop, which is only at about 7 feet. It is also a smaller ball.
Bob MillerGreat story! You'll probably forget the date before you find a 2008 calendar to mark it on...

I think grandkids are the reward we get for putting up with grief from our children!

ed monahanI try to give them things for their birthdays and Christmas that will make my sons cringe. The famous lines so far are, "Dad, what were you thinking?" The reply to that one was, "I was thinking it was payback time".
The other great line was when my son was exasperated and told me I didn't know what it was like to have two little kids. I reminded him I had 4 little boys in about an 8 year span. My grandkids give me a ton of material. The girls were mimicking their dad on the computer and talking on his cell phone, and were dead-on. I loved that one.
I love giving them pump ping-pong ball guns, pogo sticks, drums when they are really little, etc.
Bob MillerLOL - I have threatened a couple of times to buy my granddaughter a small drum set with cymbals.

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