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Topic:Most Popular Post Contest...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Mike KrehelJust a heads up,

We've made a decision to discontinue the weekly Most Popular Post Contest. Thank you all for your past participation and congratulations to all past winners!

Mike Krehel
ProwlerOnline.com Click and see me go! Watch me light em up!

ed monahanOh sure, just when I finally came up with a good topic. lol. I hope this thread has the most posts and you do not get anything for it. Come on everyone, post to this thread. lol.
Thanks for the past goodies.
ALLEY CATEd - the contest was discontinued because you always wore your POA t-shirt backwards, and would embarrass us.

Mike and Judy, thank you for all that you do. I'll be turning in my annual fiscal budget request for the museum by the end of the month.

YellowFeverHats off to both Mike and Judy for carrying this on for as long as they did. Your dedication has made a large part of owning one of these cars such a joy.

FYI-since the shirts only came in white and I now have a yellow prowler, my wife surprised me and dyed all my POA shirts yellow. Don't know why I never thought of that before but, they are definitely unique now and look totally awesome.

Thanks again for each one of them!!!!!!!!!!!

Gary CA thankless job sometimes, but a huge wet thank you is in order, thanks Guys.

I luv you man/woman

Originally posted by Gary C:
but a huge wet thank you is in order

That's a visual that will stick with us all for days to come.........

Marty UsherIt looks like I got my T-shirt just in time! It will be framed and will hang in my Prowler gallery!

Mike/Judy - Thanks for all the effort and this great website!

cnote6Hey, Thanks for everything!!!!

and all the T-shirts!!!

BeWareThank You for carrying it as long as you did.
Todd CameronThanks for everything Mike n Judy, without you, where would we be? no where! we owe you guys a lot! YF, you had to be "there" when Gary when the wet pants contest after eating some chili.

2000 Black, 2001 Black Tie, 2001 Orange, 2001 Silver, 2001 Muholland

Originally posted by Todd Cameron:
YF, you had to be "there" when Gary when the wet pants contest after eating some chili.

Somehow Todd, I'm thinking I was pretty damn lucky not to be there

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