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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Mitt Romney would make an excellent Speaker of the House
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerAmericans screwed up when they didn't elect him President....If he's willing to take the job (many don't want it) he would do an excellent job IMO.


silverkatSince you don't have to be a member of congress hell AlleyCat could do a better job then Boner or McDumDum. Will you support him BJ? Or is it true that you've got Hillary 2016 signs up all over your front yard?
bjprowlerI live in Warren County, Ohio where you can't find a Democrat with a search warrant....

Many times public offices on our ballot are won by Republicans who run unopposed. The Dims know better than to even try.

Originally posted by bjprowler:
I live in Warren County, Ohio where you can't find a Democrat with a search warrant....

Many times public offices on our ballot are won by Republicans who run unopposed.

The Dims know better than to even try. [/B]

Well then,,,you can break that long, dry spell by running as a Democrat in the next local Warren County election,,,,under your
Dump the Trump campaign slogan and agenda that you expound on daily..

We are sure all of the other Warren County Repubs think exactly like you do on political matters

mslc10too liberal for me!!!! but as a pres vs obumwad...romney .
silverkatRomney had his chance. He bungled the last 2 debates when he should have gone for the jugular. Lard ass Christie then sealed his fate with the post Sandy love fest w/Obumhole. Nice man but a liberal republican just won't do now. We're trying to replace Boner and McDummy but not with another lib.
ALLEY CAT" Nice man (Mitt) but a liberal republican just won't do now. We're trying to replace Boner and McDummy but not with another lib."

The House needs a pile driver, hard azz conservative as Speaker.. All the door rugs can step aside....

mslc10we don't have anyone like that....lol damn we can make BJ happy and put Trump in there!!!!

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 10-09-2015 at 04:37 PM

Originally posted by silverkat:
Or is it true that you've got Hillary 2016 signs up all over your front yard?

Yard signs .... HA!! rumor has it that he has Hillibaggers name tattooed on his Johnson in support of her candidacy (shortened, of course, to just HILRY for, well, obvious reasons).

bjprowlerAfter the primary elections in early 2016 you are all invited to A/C's palatial estate to feast on crow when his hero, "The Donald" fails to get the GOP nomination for President.

Mark it down.....

silverkatBJ seems you've had a few helpings of crow already since your constantly changing support of candidates must be adjusted almost daily as your choices continually fall by the wayside.
bjprowlerGee, I didn't know that my choices were to either support Trump or support Trump.....

Their are almost 300 million citizens in the US that are legally eligible to become President.

Apparently, some believe that out of that number Hillary and Trump are America's "cream of the crop" ......My only thought on that is OMG!!!!!

BTW.....Complimenting different candidates on their strengths and ability does not necessarily mean that I am constantly changing my support.....The very reason that we have a period of campaigning prior to an election is to give us time to analyze each person.....

If I were to rank the potential GOP candidates in order of my personal favorability I would put Rubio at the top of the list and Trump at the bottom.....That's my opinion......and the constitution says I have a right to have it.

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 10-10-2015 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by bjprowler:
Gee, I didn't know that my choices were to either support Trump or support Trump.....

Their are almost 300 million citizens in the US that are legally eligible to become President.

Apparently, some believe that out of that number Hillary and Trump are America's "cream of the crop" ......My only thought on that is OMG!!!!!

You spin like a true liberal. Who said your choices were either Trump or Trump. I'm saying the various endorsement/preference you've made so far have all bombed to date. You can continue to predict until eventually you are correct. What number am I thinking between 1 and 10? Given 10 chances you'll eventually get it right. At least us Trump guys are not all over the map w/crazy outbursts. Spin spin spin away Libby...

bjprowlerKindly provide links as your evidence of my crazy outbursts...Thanks

Again,....Complimenting different candidates on their strengths and ability does not necessarily mean that I am constantly changing my support.....The very reason that we have a period of campaigning prior to an election is to give us time to analyze each person.....

If I were to rank the potential GOP candidates in order of my personal favorability I would put Rubio at the top of the list and Trump at the bottom.....That's my opinion......and the constitution says I have a right to have it.

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 10-10-2015 at 10:47 AM

silverkatBJ 90% of your posts are crazy but adorable outbursts. I'd be here all day w/the links. Pls bear in mind as opposed to the past much of this is tongue in cheek good natured kidding, well at least the attempt. Pls proceed as I've come to enjoy your outbursts I mean posts.
mslc10Rick perry, Marco Rubio.... Say ! Perry for speaker!
TLRandallLooks like our local Representative, Bill Flores, has just announced that he will seek the position if Paul Ryan does not run.

I know Bill well and he is a very good guy.

ALLEY CATI'd go along with Perry or Flores,,,

Mitt, heavy baggage with two huge loses running for president. Mitt could never get the House to agree on anything now, after the last two azz-whippings he took, lol

He needs to fade away into the sunset.....

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