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Topic:MikeK POA Question
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SirRealMike yesterday I replied to a topic in Events Discussion titled "Spring Fling XX' and it disappeared and another person had pics from the event and now they are gone. Just curious, maybe a server prob? Thanks Jeff
Orangeyeah..........same thing happened to the thread I uploaded with all the nude pics on it....
SirRealNope these pics were cool Prowler pics and my reply 100% positive.
halicatI had a few of my posts dissapear like farts in the mist.....keep an eye on this one......poooof !

SirRealHali, were they new topics or replies?
DUSTINo, so far I haven't had any posts disappear but I noticed that quite a few threads are "closed" for replies, maybe that's a server problem too ??
Mike KrehelJeff, I don't have an explanation for you. How many pictures were in the post? The DF has a limit of I believe 7 or 8 per post. Each time someone replys to a post, the entire thread is rebuilt on the server, so something could be happening there.

halicat, were your posts in the Event Discussion forum also?
I did notice that the General Discussion area is very slow to respond this afternoon. Perhaps this is something I need to check into.

Dustis, I guess the devil made you say that! LOL

Thanks for the heads-up!

Mike Krehel

halicatMine were replies in the off topic section....one day they were there... the next they were gone...
and I wasn't cussin ! ....
not like AC anyways,

he's a dirty cat

halicatdusti... you old scab picker you....

i like your style...

SirRealThanks Mike for the quick reply! For trouble shooting purposes I will be more specific. Last night around 11pm my time 10pm your time I made my reply. When I hit submit it just sat there, as it was a lengthy reply and I thought something was wrong I made a hard copy in case I had to do it again and that's what I did. Once again I hit reply and the same thing happened. So I went to another PC pulled up the topic and to my amazement it was there. So I closed the window on the first PC thinking everything was ok. Pulled the topic up again and saw that 2K1Orange had put some of his pic there. Came into work today to see the topic again and mine was gone as well as the pics. Thanks, Jeff

This message has been edited by SirReal on 04-26-2005 at 06:30 PM

ALLEY CATMike - I've about had it with halicat,,,,,this is his final verbal warning. Next,,I write him up and then the 3 vote rule applies


heli-coil cat - my language is as clean as a new born baby's butt

halicatyou said "butt".........i rest my case

can i vote for myself ?

blackcatMike there was another post over under the Test category that disappeared. It was titled something like "how long do these last". Maybe that will help you in troubleshooting. I think that was the one Orange was posting too.


Mike Krehel
Originally posted by blackcat:
Mike there was another post over under the Test category that disappeared. It was titled something like "how long do these last". Maybe that will help you in troubleshooting. I think that was the one Orange was posting too.


You mean the one with all the exotic condums? Great family material Blackcat and Orange!

blackcatSorry Mike but I didn't post any exotic condom pictures. I've never figured out how to upload pictures......
Mike KrehelOrange posted the pictures / caricatures.
Originally posted by Mike Krehel:
You mean the one with all the exotic condums? Great family material Blackcat and Orange!

Well .... without condoms, there certainly WOULD be more "family" running around out there for "material" purposes ....

ALLEY CATOrange is becoming a lawyer soon. I say take the vote now to throw him out of the POA,, using the 3 vote rule!!

Just kidding,,,,,,but he was pushing the envelope with that TEST FORUM post

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 04-26-2005 at 09:32 PM

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