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Topic:Meet Captain D.A.V.E.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
heynow14Cool Huh? http://www.cocosheriff.org/index.htm

click on Crime Prevention Then Capt D.A.V.E.

This message has been edited by heynow14 on 02-05-2005 at 05:37 PM

halicatvery cool car !
whealy Link for pic ...

CJAre you sure that's not Zack's cat??
Lone Ranger
Great site. Sent it to my daughter who lives in California.
ChromerMalybe the Captain D.A.V.E. will finally get those revered control arm mounted rocket launchers! Those pesky drug dealers (or slow delivering vendors) would be terrorized!

Captain D.A.V.E. Rocks!

CJVery cool and excellent choice of vehicle!!
Chi_Town_ProwlerNow the Prowler's out fightin' crime!!! Unreal!! Just what CAN'T this car do?!!
Jim CDid you notice! only the Cops can get away with out a front licence plate...
Originally posted by Jim C:
Did you notice! only the Cops can get away with out a front licence plate...

Jim C...
It's amazing how a little power will go to some peoples heads. This is why I now ride around with a front license plate. It looks excellent though seeing as how I am using the Tectrum/GenoTex front license plate bracket.
Anyway...here is the most recent abuse of power in my bordering state of MA. Read on...

Lt. Gov. Says Ride Was Wrong
Chauffeur Used Emergency Lights

POSTED: 10:38 am EST February 8, 2005

BOSTON -- It's no helicopter ride to the Berkshires, but Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey acknowledged that she was wrong to allow a state trooper to whisk her through traffic with blue lights flashing when there was no emergency.

Healey was en route to an appearance in Newton last Wednesday when her car hit stop-and-go traffic on Route 128 in Burlington. Her state police chauffeur used his emergency lights to force other motorists out of the way.

"In retrospect, it was probably a mistake to be using the blue lights in a non-emergency situation," Healey told WBZ-AM Monday at an event in Worcester.

In 1999, when Jane Swift was lieutenant governor, she was criticized for using a state police helicopter to fly home to western Massachusetts, and for asking her aides to baby-sit her oldest daughter.

Healey said the decision to use the emergency lights was made by her driver, and in past instances she hasn't intervened.

"So in the future I'm going to be much more observant about ... the decisions being made by the trooper," she said.

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