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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Majority of voters want Trump impeached or censured
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TomcalMajority of voters want Trump impeached or censured

Justin Kircher
Dec 28th 2018

Nearly 6 in 10 American voters believe President Trump should either be impeached and removed from office or formally censured according to a poll, reports The Hill.

In the wake of ongoing investigations surrounding Trump, a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll asked nearly 1,500 registered voters what actions if any should be taken against the commander in chief.

While a majority says some action should be taken against the president, there is a divide on how far that action should go. Thirty-nine percent of those polled said Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 20 percent believe that the president should be formally censured by Congress.

Regarding the information provided by Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen alleging that Trump directed hush money be paid to two women to hide affairs, respondents were split on whether or not that was grounds for impeachment.

Fifty-one percent were against impeaching President Trump on these allegations. With the Russia investigation by Robert Mueller winding down, 59 percent said that the probe is hurting the country.

However, 32 percent polled said the investigation should continue indefinitely, while 31 percent believe it should end immediately.


ed monahan1500 people polled. lol I would be that is right on the money. lol
garysssNot bad since they only polled democrats. LOL
Hoagie1 that is hilarious.
LSKRight Garysss, even the democrats can't agree on one thing.
phil2237Must be the same poll that claimed Clinton would win the election
mslc10And the other Clinton was impeached!!!

Just imagine the exploding heads of libtards if Don-naldus Magnus WERE impeached but , like Clinton, still finished his term!!,!,

Be like ,

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 01-03-2019 at 07:26 PM


silverkatAt least Turdcal doesn't have his hair loss problem anymore...


KlasKatI wonder how many polled were illegal

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