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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:MUSIC Trivia.....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUEBob Seeger....song, "Night Moves".....he was "hummin' a song from 1962".....what was the song ???....

question courtesy of Ed W.

...Ed W. and his fellow lodge members anxiously await the finish of the 'Naughty Nancy' burlesque show so they can put on their 'Duck Hats' and party till their feathers fall out....

HowardWhere Have All The Flowers Gone (recorded 1962)
ALLEY CATHoward - were you even born yet in 1962?
HowardI wish I was born in 1962.
tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by Howard:
I wish I was born in 1962.

Howard with his 'Gang'(circa 1936)....little Howie is standing on the rear bumper...

MIKE GATLINI have heard the song a thousand time and don't recall a song title from '62 being mentioned. FYI I did see that Bob will be on Leno on the 14th
Originally posted by MIKE GATLIN:
I have heard the song a thousand time and don't recall a song title from '62 being mentioned.

xpguyNight Moves
Words and Music by Bob Seger

I was a little too tall
Could've used a few pounds
Tight pants points hardly reknown
She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes
And points all her own sitting way up high
Way up firm and high

Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy
Out in the back seat of my '60 Chevy
Workin' on mysteries without any clues
Workin' on our night moves
Tryin' to make some front page drive-in news
Workin' on our night moves
In the summertime
In the sweet summertime

We weren't in love, oh no, far from it
We weren't searchin' for some pie in the sky summit
We were just young and restless and bored
Livin' by the sword
And we'd steal away every chance we could
To the backroom, to the alley or the trusty woods
I used her, she used me
But neither one cared
We were gettin' our share
Workin' on our night moves
Tryin' to lose the awkward teenage blues
Workin' on our night moves
And it was summertime

And oh the wonder
We felt the lightning
And we waited on the thunder
Waited on the thunder

I awoke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered
Started humming a song from 1962
Ain't it funny how the night moves
When you just don't seem to have as much to lose
Strange how the night moves
With autumn closing in

Copright 1976 by Gear Publishing Co./ASCAP
Howard"Started humming a song from 1962" -- In a 2004 radio interview, Seger said the song was Seger's answer: "Be My Baby" by the Ronettes.


And the winner is...................

tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by Howard:

And the winner is...................

no one....the answer Ed W. supplies is this.......

1) "Rythem of the Rain' - Cascades (1962)
2) The clue is "woke last night to the sound of thunder".............
Rythem of the rain starts with the sound of thunder. someone could have
answered "Walking in the rain" by the Ronettes for the same reason, but that
was November of 1963.

Ed W.
Originally posted by Howard:
"Started humming a song from 1962" -- In a 2004 radio interview, Seger said the song was Seger's answer: "Be My Baby" by the Ronettes.

"Be My Baby" starts with drummer (extrodinare) Hal Blaine's
incredible beating on a base drum....

Truth be told, I'm amazed this question got by Gatlin.

This message has been edited by Ed W. on 09-06-2006 at 06:34 AM

Tytanium-KAll sounds like quite a s-t-r-e-t-c-h to me ~ hmmmmmm!

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