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Topic:Lunch with Prowler friends
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TucsonJerIt was a gorgeous day in Galesburg Illinois. August has been a beautiful month. Only one more week before we head back to Tucson. Firecat from East Peoria called a couple days ago and we set up a lunch date for today. We met at the Landmark in Galesburg where we had some of their famous spinach bisque. Hadn't had any of it for almost 25 years. It tasted exactly like I remembered it. Soooo good! Gene parked that gorgeous gold prowler of his right outside the front door. We had a great time watching people stop and look it over and take pictures of it. We spent over two hours at the restaurant talking about how much fun the Prowlers are and all the great people we've met because of them. I think Monohan's name even came up. Lol. It was really great to be able to get together. Gene & Dixie, thanks for coming over to meet us, Mary Anne and I had a wonderful time and it was so good to see you. Jer
u00tjs2Jer, Are you guys in the Kat/Vette? You are doing a lot of miles this summer. Have a safe trip and tell Mary Anne I said Hello! The chief of police in Peoria used to have a Kat, but I forget his handle. In case you get a ticket....


TucsonJerThanks Tracy, we're in the Vette. This has been an awesome summer. We'll be home on the 5th and we've already made reservations for the Devil's Highway run with the Phoenix area Prowler's. That's is a beautiful area to ride bikes or Prowlers in. You still in Indiana? Jer
ed monahanI hope to travel a lot when I get as old as you. lol
Good to see you are continuing to have fun.
firecatJerry, it was great to have lunch with you and Mary Anne!!
You have a great looking Corvette!!!! It was a great day for a Prowler drive. We don't have many days like that in central Illinois in August. Usually it is hot and muggy. We did not get back until almost dark, took all the back roads. Top down and no air cond. on!!! Good day to meet up with Prowler friends. Hope to see you guys at the next Prowler event. Gene & Dixe

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