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Topic:Luggage Rack Cargo Pack
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Wil C. KeenerCan anyone supply a source for a cargo pack that will fit the PT luggage rack used on the Prowler? Thanks in advance.
ALLEY CATWil - not sure if any of the original Prowler luggage rack bags are available any more???

Any large zippered storage bag should work on the PT luggage rack plugged into the cat receiver hitch though. Just make sure you have it secured to the rack and the bag you use very securely. I check the Velcro hold-down straps at each gas fill.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 07-13-2005 at 11:01 PM

Wil C. KeenerThanks,wish the originals were still available.Will check the local auto/discount stores and will post our findings.The Pt rack weasures 36long x 18 width so maybe find sometning to work.Thanks AC
ed monahanYou can buy any generic one and have the cat logo embroidered on it. Not a very big deal to have it done.
Richard JacksonMake sure is can stand the wet when you get caught in the downpour!
Randy CobbI use the PT rack.

I strap luggage to the rack with black bungees with black coated ends that I got from a Harley dealership.

I have a couple of large heavy mil plastic bags I put the luggage in to protect it from rain, bugs, etc. Neatly tucked in and bungeed the bags work great.

SILVRKATJust curious, where do you get the rack and the hitch? Also about how much money are we talking?
Richard Jackson http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/005473.html
Wil C. KeenerThanks all that replied , I found a great cargo pack and it fits the rack perfect. It has adjustable straps that work great w/frame and the rods.It also cinches down and won't move and is water proof. Its a junior Roof Cargo Pack and measures 34L x 18 W x 14 H a little small only 5 cubic square feet but it will work great.Small enough not to hide tail lights large enough to put soft luggage in .We found it at a discount store ,will try to post pictures ,never had any success before. Again Thanks.

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