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Topic:Looling for Prowlers for an OC Ca. parade
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
waneswldIf anyone living in the Orange County area of Ca. would be interested in being in the La Palma Days Parade on November 8, 2008.......please let me know. I can provide more info upon request. I belong to the PT Cruisers Club of Orange County and we will be there in force this year and would love to have Prowlers join us.

Wayne Cell 714 222-5242

phil2237Very possible.... I will ask Ken ( O C Prowler ) to give you a call...

This message has been edited by phil2237 on 10-14-2008 at 12:12 AM

waneswldIt will be a fun day plus we all love the Prowler cars. Ken attended the Picnic in the Park last this past May which was in La Palma. Hope you guys can do it.


phil2237Ken is checking with other members to see if they have other commitments for that date....Sounds like fun....parades are the Best part !
waneswldGlad to hear Ken is working the ask. At present, we are planning 20+ PT Cruisers along with five PT Convertibles to haul local people of status through the parade......sure hope the Prowlers could join us. People love the Prowlers. It would be nice to have the Prowlers go though as a separate group since the parade committee needs to separate over 30 band performaning and being judged.
They still need convertibles to carry people through the parade which the Prowlers are flexible to handle.
The parade itself takes place from 10 Am until noon, Nov. 8 which runs down Walker Street by La Palma Central park.

Wayne (714) 222-5242

phil2237I have heard from another member that your intentions are to sit people on the rear deck during the parade....our decks are aluminum....This will NOT be allowed......
.on the rear deck during the parade....our decks are aluminum.

I didn't realize that so that would be out of the question. However if the Prowlers would still like to be in the parade it could still happen........the people planning the parade need to fill spaces between bands and such.....the Prowlers would look great and appreciated. I will not bring it up in the planning meeting tonight, until I hear from you or Ken.
Wayne 714 222-5242

waneswldJust a quick update.......sitting on the back deck is not required.....sitting in front seat is acceptable. The driver / car owner calles the shots in the La Palma Days Parade......that goes for any car who helps in this parade.
Hope this helps.


ed monahanYou can move the passenger seat as far forward as possible and someone can stand behind the seat and hold onto the head rest. They can be seen a lot better doing that also. The bad part is that only the driver and not their spouse can be in the parade.
ProwlerBobWpgFunny thing happened to me... I went to a local "PT Cruiser" Club event and was told I have a very nice car, but do not park it near the cruisers.

I chuckled... nice to see your club welcomes Prowlers.

Good luck and hope you have an excellent turnout.

phil2237The Southern California group have been welcomed by the P/T group here for several years, We have judged their car shows and attended many of their events.. Bunch of real nice people !
waneswldHi Prowler Bob.........Phil is correct about the local PT Cruiser Club liking to group together in doing things with Prowler Owners. I myself love the Prowler and if I had a three car garage would have one. By the way, my wife and I along with other PT Cruiser Owners rallied from Ca. to Niagara Falls Canada..2001, 2003 and 2005 ..we all had a great time being with the PTE Club of Canada headed up by Sean Oneal.

Back to the parade....I have until this Friday (Oct 31) to get names and addresses from those of you who could do the Parade. Please send me your name and address so the Parade Committee can send out a package to you that provides directions to the meeting point, a green pass and time to meet at the VIP area. This area will have drinks & goodies while waiting prior to entry to the parade.

My email is waneswld@aol.com or call 714 222-5242

waneswldThis will be the final update.........
Thank you all who have read this thread which I thought was a great following along with the side questions (private mail notes). I learned a lot from this. Even though there will be no Prowlers that have signed up I want you all to know that I appreciated the attention given to this post. Maybe next time????????? I did sign up last night for being the key person in getting top less cars for next years parade. Again thanks for allowing me to start this thread and for the over 400 reads to the post.
Happy Crusin'
nitrosteveHi Wayne,

I don't know why we weren't involved, I thought it would be fun. We had a great time at the Placentia Parade a couple weeks back. I don't think word got out because no one ever asked if we would come, maybe others were contacted but I wasn't. Maybe it had something to do with dignitaries sitting on our decklids, that may have been a sticking point, I know I wouldn't allow anyone to sit on my decklid being aluminum and all, but that would really not apply to me anyhow I have a hardtop on my car. Maybe next year, the PT guys are a great bunch of guys and I have had fun in everything I have been involved with them.

Maybe it had something to do with dignitaries sitting on our decklids, that may have been a sticking point

This ending up not being the requirement....the driver calls the shots for where the person / persons would sit...just info for next year if anyone asks or is concerned.

By the way, we still feel good about the Prowler Owners...things just didn't work for some reason this time.

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