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Topic:Long time away
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
catterumpusIts been a long time since the 2001 Crazy Horse Rally in Deadwood, SD. Donny and Donna have lost touch and our email changed, but we've had incredible fun with our customized cat in nice weather. Everybody loves it and take pics.

It's great to see some of the long time regulars here, and keep on folks!

Times change. Donna got downsized last Friday the 13th, the rest of Don's retirement money (except what we used to buy the cat in 2000) is running out so we have to sell the beloved cat. But we have such wonderful memories.

Best wishes to all, and Prowlers forever!

Donny and Donna Burnap
Rapid City, SD

ed monahanDonny, great to see you posting after all this time. We had a great time out there and we are thinking of coming back to Deadwood on the motorcycle in Sept. with a couple of friends.
I am sorry to hear Donna got downsized and you need to sell the Cat. That is a tough break for sure.
Thanks for the work you did on the event back then. We had a blast.
CJSo sorry to hear you have to sell your cat. Definitely a beauty. Like Ed said, we had a great time at the 2001 Deadwood event it was great to meet you both.

Remember that even though you may not have your cat anymore, you are and will always be part of the Prowler family. So keep in touch.

MIKE GATLINDonny, hearing from you and Donna is an instant flash of great memories. Crazyhorse tour and Deadwood hold so many memories.

Donna and Donny,

Thanks again for contributing so much to the 2001 CrazyHorse/Deadwood Prowler event You two did a fantastic job of planning the daily cruising schedule and sightseeing places.

I tried your email last year, unsuccessfully, to contact you guys about attending the 2010 Deadwood Prowler event, during August. We had 79 Prowlers again making the trip to Deadwood, and we were hoping somehow you got the message about the event.


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage.... along with '06 SRT10 Viper Coupe

Larry LordDonna and Donny,

I'm sorry to hear that you are selling your car but it sure is good to hear from you after all the years.
You both were a tremendous part of the success of the Crazy Horse Tour. There was just no way we could have put ial together without you.
The twilight run was my favorite part of the event!

Tnanks for checking in.

Larry (Cruise Control) Lord
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