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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Lindsey Graham
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeHe wants federal aid for his state’s floods but voted against Hurricane Sandy relief

Republican presidential candidate and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is this week’s GOP hypocrite, calling for an unlimited amount of federal resources to aid his flood stricken home state while denying any recollection of his 2013 NO vote on federal relief for areas affected by Sandy.

“Let’s just get through this thing, and whatever it costs, it costs,” Graham told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room” on Monday.

Republicans complained that the $50 billion federal bill for Sandy relief was overloaded with unrelated “pork.” Graham voted against that bill, which was eventually signed by President Obama. Graham also voted against a much smaller $9 billion relief package.

But I guess now that so-called “biblical level” rainfall, the sixth to hit the U.S. since 2010, has devastated parts of South Carolina, the long-shot presidential aspirant has changed his tune.

Graham told Blitzer on Monday that he tries “to be there for friends and neighbors, so hope they’ll be there for us.”

But when asked by Blitzer about his earlier attempts to block federal funding for New Jersey in 2013, Graham feigned ignorance: “I’m all for helping the people in New Jersey. I don’t really remember me voting that way. Anyway, I don’t really recall that, but I’d be glad to look and tell you why I did vote no, if I did.”

But as ThinkProgress noted at the time of Graham’s vote against relief for Sandy victims, the South Carolina Republican had already been a long time hypocrite on the issue of federal aid for states that aren’t his home, having already “requested disaster relief after freezing and boasted of obtaining emergency drought relief.”

mslc10Lindsey gramnesty! Yep a real winner!
Greg and VetaThere is no excuse for his record, but it does point out a terrible problem with bills that are put to a vote in congress. A really good and important bill can have some really crappy pork or terrible legislation attached to it. It makes for a no win situation. Should they vote for the good and accept the bad, or vote against the bad and doom the good and important? I've never really understood this.
ALLEY CATYou build or live near water,,,you accept the risk on your own dime. Buy flood insurance. Same holds true for those living in forest areas that burn to the ground.....that's what insurance is for.
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
You build or live near water,,,you accept the risk on your own dime. Buy flood insurance. Same holds true for those living in forest areas that burn to the ground.....that's what insurance is for.


Graham told Blitzer on Monday that he tries “to be there for friends and neighbors, so hope they’ll be there for us.”

When asked about his voting against the $50 billion dollar Sandy relief bill:

Graham quote: “I’m all for helping the people in New Jersey. I don’t really remember me voting that way,” Graham said. “I don’t really recall that, but I’d be glad to look and tell you why I did vote no, if I did.”

Graham is a liar,,,he remembers voting against that bill.

I don't have a problem with how he voted,,,but his side-stepping the question posed.....makes him an undesirable candidate for the highest office. He needs to step out of the race, and go help bucket out flood water of houses in S. Carolina.

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
You build or live near water,,,you accept the risk on your own dime. Buy flood insurance. Same holds true for those living in forest areas that burn to the ground.....that's what insurance is for.

I am pretty sure you cannot purchase flood insurance if you live in an area considered to be a flood plain area. If you can I'll bet the cost is astronomical.

Originally posted by BeWare:
I am pretty sure you cannot purchase flood insurance if you live in an area considered to be a flood plain area. If you can I'll bet the cost is astronomical.

Beware,,,,You must be Unaware of Federal Flood Insurance... Please, take six minutes of your time to watch this ABC 20/20 video segment, and see how for a couple of hundred dollars per year policy.... becomes a bargain

. http://www.criticalcommons.org/Members/fsustavros/clips/stossel-micro-07-subsidized-flood-insurance/view

Private flood coverage insurers, yes, astronomical cost. But our federal government will take care of us....
it's a Liberal thing I'm sure

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 10-07-2015 at 10:51 AM

bjprowlerIt seems to me that if a home is in a flood zone and is damaged 60% or more as a result of flooding that it should be mandatory that the home be razed and the lot deemed "unbuildable" for a future home site.

Repairing or rebuilding flooded homes in these designated areas is idiocy.

Homes in "flood zones" tend to have lower values because of the adverse effects and in many cases when the cost of flood insurance is factored into the total housing payment buyers can actually purchase a more expensive home outside of flood zones for the same monthly payment.

Originally posted by BeWare:
I am pretty sure you cannot purchase flood insurance if you live in an area considered to be a flood plain area. If you can I'll bet the cost is astronomical.

if an idiot developer builds in a flood plane ( like has happened in River Plantation,Conroe ,Tx) fema can come in and buy you out and make you move..

if you read these posts ,there is one that talks about 8 houses... i dated the daughter of owner of one of those..they lost 3 cars ,4-5 feet of water in 2 story house..had been third time it flooded. Fema (or some govt. agency) paid them to move after that flood (1994).

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 10-07-2015 at 02:47 PM

Greg and Veta
Originally posted by BeWare:
I am pretty sure you cannot purchase flood insurance if you live in an area considered to be a flood plain area. If you can I'll bet the cost is astronomical.

As has been noted, check out FEMA flood ins. Many of us in Florida, near the coast, have to get it. I have it for my house in the FL Keys. New for this year is a surcharge for insuring a vacation or second home that is not a primary residence. This was a surprise for a lot of us.

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