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Topic:Less than two weeks until we descend on Deep Creek
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanThere is still time to make arrangements and have a great time with a bunch of great folks. Plus you get to see a lot of mods and at least one totally stock Prowler.
I hope to get a final answer tomorrow from two more locals.
We have a parade in the morning in Blue Ash.
alrtgI thought that Smokies sticker on the deck lid was a modification, or doesn't that count since the car was "Restored" to original condition later.

I am sure some modifications and or aftermarket items have been put on the car, the oil filter is likely "Non Stock"

Sorry Ed, I can't help myself......actually nobody can.

ed monahanI drain the oil out of the oil filter and run some gasoline through it to "really clean it out" and then re-install it to maintain my "totally stock" claim.
The sticker is still on the trunk. I am sorry I used duct tape to put it on, now. I am afraid it will leave a mark.
ed monahanThis is a picture of my original "totally stock" Prowler.

The candy red to the right of Bob & Janet R is one of my current "totally stock" Prowlers, just to prove my point.

JeraneWEd: Is that "nail polish" still on your fingers??? LOL
Originally posted by JeraneW:
Ed: Is that "nail polish" still on your fingers??? LOL

That's not Ed.

alrtgWell you can never be absolutely sure what Ed will look like.

It could have been either one for all we know.

SirReal....and now we return you to the original topic

All systems are go for Prowler Camp at Deep Creek Lake.
As Ed stated it's not too late to sign up for a unique
Prowler Experience.

The event staff has been working diligently to make this an event you won't forget.

Call now! Operators are standing by!
See you at Prowler Camp

ed monahan
Originally posted by JeraneW:
Ed: Is that "nail polish" still on your fingers??? LOL

Toenail polish when I was Dolly was the only polish I have been using. In fact, Sandy often comments that I lack polish.

Originally posted by ed monahan:
Toenail polish when I was Dolly was the only polish I have been using. In fact, Sandy often comments that I lack polish.

Not technically a polish but don't forget the Brazilian wax you were so proud of.

SimonsezMike, I hope Ed forgot that I told him how good he looked!
MIKE GATLINBruce, I know he didn't forget that he promised you a Brazilian wax
SimonsezNow I know why he asked me to drive to Cincinnati and cruise the "backroads" to Deep Creek. I am so naieve.
Originally posted by MIKE GATLIN:
Not technically a polish but don't forget the Brazilian wax you were so proud of.

Mike - there are some things that should NEVER be mentioned. T

galaxieSure hope you can go to Deep Creek. Tell Karen you'll clean the house for a month.
SimonsezMac. Bring your gorilla outfit to Camp Prowler and scare the hell out of some newbies.
Originally posted by galaxie:
Sure hope you can go to Deep Creek. Tell Karen you'll clean the house for a month.

Mac, might well be the dog house I will be cleaning but it will be worth it.

Tami, you are soooo right,

ed monahanI don't know why you folks make these threads veer off course. I never do that. lol
garysssOnly 10 Days to go!!!!!

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