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T O P I C     R E V I E W
meancatI had these install by Cnote while in Tulsa, What do you think?


Bob MillerLooks great! How about a head on photo from a little distance back so we can see the whole effect.
mspe01Looks great
Originally posted by Bob Miller:
Looks great! How about a head on photo from a little distance back so we can see the whole effect.

Bob would love to but I'd have to do in at night, and it took me a hour to load these two.


rraitegeeezzzz any more lights on that kat you could guide the space shuttle home!! LOL
AnimatorI think they're cool. What exactly are "hay low lights"? (halo?) where can I get them, is there a webpage?
mist302I think you need to explain more as to what exactly this is. What I see in your photos looks very busy-messy... Something that's not in tune with the clean lines of a Prowler. JMO Does this light the road better for night driving, somehow?
SuperKatexceptional. very cool indeed.
Northern Cat ..

This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 07-02-2007 at 06:26 AM

Northern CatDouble Post..

This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 06-30-2007 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by mist302:
I think you need to explain more as to what exactly this is. What I see in your photos looks very busy-messy... Something that's not in tune with the clean lines of a Prowler. JMO Does this light the road better for night driving, somehow?

These are a parking light. They are wired to come on with the switch. There HID to match my head lights. I had Cnote shop install them. Write him and he can tell you more if needed. Thank's for looking sorry about the photo.


This message has been edited by meancat on 06-29-2007 at 09:36 PM

cnote6[I have been working on these for a few months for the right fitment and how to mount them.

This message has been edited by cnote6 on 07-07-2007 at 04:09 PM

mist302OK !

Haven't seen these before... Very interesting

GenoTexsooooooooooooo a pair for about $15 ?? ... .what's it take to install Chris? Thanks.
Northern Cat..Nice work Chris

This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 07-06-2007 at 01:03 PM

Bob HackerChris,
Did you buy them from Mopar? Your one picture looks like you did.


Originally posted by Bob Hacker:
Did you buy them from Mopar? Your one picture looks like you did.


No I did not, and not sure why they used the logo???

DR PROWLERYou're such a TF....C-Note...
Can't wait!
DR PROWLERJerry...call me tonight!
meancatWould love to,Butt we have the Moddersville firework's and free dinner at the lake this evening. Spent all day at the airport jumping out of plane's. But I will get a hold of you. Hopefully before I have to go to snoman's for a free BBQ.(the story is he's giving away 50in plasma TV's)


hollywoodinjaxwhat is the brightness?
4300K, 6000K, 8000K, 10000K


phil1945cnote where did you get the front nerf bars

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