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Topic:Knockoffs - Test Samples Are Done - Test Fitting To Be Done Next Week
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
HowardI have just received word the Torg Thrust Wheels knockoffs are on the way to my home. Terry has sent me a sample to check, to insure they will fit the Prowler wheels properly.

Terry has also advised me he will also make available knockoffs for people who own the Prowler trailer.

I now need someone’s help who lives near Valencia, CA. I do not have a floor jack and would appreciate the help of a Prowler member who will work with me to insure the knockoffs fit the Prowler wheels properly. We will need to test the fit of the knockoffs and report back to Terry with our findings. If the knockoffs need to be adjusted Terry will do this before the final product is sent to Prowler owners. Please let me know if you might be able to help me.

It should be noted Terry is committed to working with the Prowler Club. He will do what ever is necessary to provide a high quality product to each member.

Terry in his last email stated in his own words “I may be able to customize to customers specs but that will be a one on one deal as trying to give each customer what they want is something I already do.” This is something other suppliers might not do.

There will be 4 styles of Knockoffs. Once I test fit the knockoffs, Terry will send me pictures of all four styles. If you look at an earlier post you will see the styles the Prowler Club wanted.

Pricing. Terry has still not come up with a price for these knockoffs, but once his product is tested he will come up with some pricing. I know everyone wants to know what these will cost including me, but Terry has told me the Prowler Club will be very happy with the pricing.

In conclusion, I just want to let everyone know, I am in no way associated with Terry at Torg Thrust Wheels. I have decided to work on this project because I knew Terry could make an outstanding product for the Prowler Club at a reasonable price.

halicatgood work Howard.....

keep the updates comin...

Thanks for your efforts...

rich schiffmanPlease post when these are ready and how to order. Will they also be available in the brushed finish like I have on my 1999 Prowler wheels? Thanks,
392HEMIThat rim never looked that good on the Blew Buyou, must be the spinner!!!!!
larrypenHoward you have a PM

Uncle Larry

Top KatThanks for keeping us updated. I am still very interested. Look forward to seeing the finished product and pricing.

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