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Topic:Keep us in your prayers.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bogie55Guys, I just wanted to say keep Lousisana in your prayers. Due to my job, I have to stay in endure the storms. It is very, very emotional and you really don't have time for emotion. I pray all will end well, but it is tough to go through again. So just keep us in your prayers. I will be here during the whole storm and that is enough withit itself. Hopefully the Kat makes it as well,I did not have her during Katrina.
GOATFALLSbest of luck to you and the entire gulf coast.
hotttrodYou will be in our prayers.
galaxieHope all is well on the gulf coast.
TLRandallJust got home from a 12 hour shift at the Emergency Operations Center. Looks like we will dodge a bullet here, but lets all pray for our friends in harms way.
Going to get a few hours sleep, then I gotta get back to work.

bjprowlerBogie,...You, and all our friends in "harms way" are in our thoughts...Post when the storm has passed and let us know that you're OK...
ALLEY CATbogie > Good luck to you and your family while riding out this hurricane. Gustav is holding as a #3 strength, instead of making a #4 grade,,,so that is good news. While 115mph winds are dangerous,,,,much better for the towns and cities than facing 140-150mph damage at such low elevation.

We all here will be thinking of you. Keep in contact, and report back after the storm has passed.

attyedhallstay safe. keeping all in the path in our thoughts.
BeWareStay Safe and Sound. This looks like it is going to be a bad season.
CJOur prayers are with you and all the people who live in the region. Stay safe....
bogie55Thanks for all the prayers. We made out well in most areas, just wind damage. We are still without power for the moment. thanks again, Bogie

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