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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Kasich to drop out of the race also,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

Gov. John Kasich will drop out of the presidential race today.......

Uncle Bobby in deep depression, as the Trumpster has kicked 16 other candidates out of the race!!

More to follow............................

StingRayNow all news stations reporting doom and gloom for Trump chances. What, weren't they paying attention to these last 10 months?

Trump Train NOT stopping until the White House!!

BeWareThey also had been reporting that Trump had no chance to become the Republican nominee. Many were also predicting a brokered convention. Bunch of bloviating know nothings.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 05-04-2016 at 01:32 PM


Six full months ahead for Trump to attack Hilda the Beast at everyone of her previous failures...... as First Lady (thief), Senator from NY (did next to nothing), Sec of State (let four American get slaughtered), and the past four years lying to everyone (about the Benghazi attack and about her illegal, private email server) ,,, just to name a few.

How can anyone look in the mirror on this upcoming, November 8th morning and even consider to go out and vote for this untrustworthy liar?

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 05-04-2016 at 01:49 PM

StingRayAC ...next time at a store, WallyMart in particular ... look around at all the STUPID people doing STUPID things ... and then pause, think ... yup, they vote too!

This message has been edited by StingRay on 05-04-2016 at 01:49 PM

ed monahanThe Dems aren't really ALL behind Hilly. There are a lot of Dems who don't care for her. That doesn't translate to Trump votes necessarily.
I think it would be better if Kasich waits until tomorrow to drop out. Cinco de Mayo, dripping with irony.
ALLEY CAT'Stinger,,,will not have to go to a W-M store,,,,,,in the past I've **read Uncle Bobby threads and posts to realize that assertion.

** No longer read his political threads = boring and

silverkatAC I posted that Kasich was dropping out 1st at 10:36 beating you by well over an hour on Trump thread. Just ask Stinger who posted right after at 10:40. I won I won I won. Now what do I win?
Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by silverkat:
AC I posted that Kasich was dropping out 1st at 10:36 beating you by well over an hour on Trump thread. Just ask Stinger who posted right after at 10:40. I won I won I won. Now what do I win?

I will send you a brick out of that buick.... LOL

Originally posted by silverkat:
AC I posted that Kasich was dropping out 1st at 10:36 beating you by well over an hour on Trump thread. Just ask Stinger who posted right after at 10:40. I won I won I won. Now what do I win?

S/K,,,,,You in fact were first, but didn't announce it as
"BREAKING NEWS".... You regulated the story to unimportant news scuttlebutt information,,,,but I will award you the title/award you deserve for being #1 today:

The neighbors dog is dropping a big Uncle Bobby at this moment. When it stiffens up, I'll send to you at your upper NY state address, lol

I actually heard the Kasich news @ 10: 32am,,,but I was up 15 feet in my backyard tree, trimming excess shoots off and couldn't stop what I was then doing.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 05-04-2016 at 04:15 PM

silverkat[QUOTE]Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

The neighbors dog is dropping a big Uncle Bobby at this moment. When it stiffens up, I'll send to you at your upper NY state address, lol

Landscape DoctorUB will be in the same position after his big meal with Kasich.

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