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Topic:Just got home from Little Egypt trip
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
WildCatWant to Thank Scotty and Terri for the wonderful weekend cruising Southern Illinois

Friday Dinner at the Williams household, ribs, chicken coleslaw, cheesy potato's, apple cobbler and roasted marshmallow

Saturday started out cool and crisp for top up cruising around the lake and by the time lunch and nickle tour of the Blue Sky Winery it was top down cruising the rest of the day. Next stop on the cruise was Bay City General Store along the Ohio River, which was used in a Tommy Lee Jones movie. Last stop of the day was the Pheasant Hollow Winery for the murder mystery dinner.

My friend Jeff Green was with us and figured the mystery out 1st, BIPPYS FRIEND.

A Saturday night at home means a trip to the ice cream shoppe and Walmart, and why should being out of town be ant different, so too late to go to the ice cream shoppe, but Walmart which is open 24 hours a day and sells material so off to Walmart before returning to the hotel. Since we could not go out for Ice Cream we bought a large tub of Blue Bunny Neapolitan, bowls, spoons and a scoop.

Once back at the hotel we shared with all the group still in the lounge and before we went to bed all the ice cream was GONE.

Sunday I was planning on going to Lamberts in Sikeston, MO. Scotty, Terri, Jeff, Anita, Rickster, Mel, Rick B., Sue and I made the trip to catch a few thrown rolls and stuff our selves with the more than generous food they serve. A stop to check out Scotty's RFC garage, Anita and Sue checked out Terri's quilts, then the long drive home

owner of the winery

parking lot at Winery

windmill ceiling fans

WildCatmore pictures

mens room tile


Bay City General Store

movie poster

I know Leo was taking lots of pictures and once he gets home hopefully he will post more

The large events are good but the small events gives you more time to spend with the others attending the event. It was good to sit and talk in the lounge at night with everyone and get to meet some new people.

I cannot say it enough that the purchase of the Prowler has changed our life for the better. Thanks all for making the Prowler ownership experience LIFECHANGING

Larry & Sue Mayes

Dale BeamanGreat pictures and nice weather for a cruise.

Thanks for posting.

ETMIDZTLookin' Good!
MIKE GATLINLooks like a great time. Sure wish we could have made it.
Northern CatGreat pics thanks for posting
ScottyLarry and Sue

Glad you made it home safe and sound and thanks for posting the photos ... I was so busy I did not take a single photo. Last minute changes for lunch ... now i know how Ed felt at Tall Stacks. LOL


Originally posted by WildCat:

The large events are good but the small events gives you more time to spend with the others attending the event. It was good to sit and talk in the lounge at night with everyone and get to meet some new people....

couldn't agree more...thanks for the pix

LAwilGreat Pictures. Thank you for posting these. Almost feels
like you are there. Oh well....someday....soon... I hope.... I know the Kat is Ready.
RicksterI think I'm still full of ribs and thrown rolls. The weather was perfect and company was great. Thanks Scott and Terry.


KATBIRDScott wanted to say thanks for the warm welcome and dinner on friday night. the gift bag was also a nice surprize. scott the route you picked for sat great and you did a excellent job of keeping all cars together looking foward to next year thanks brent & norm
onecatnodogGreat turn out... Still love the Pictures... onecatnodog
kat hunterThanks for the dinner Friday and all the time and effort it took to plan this event. We had a good time. Enjoyable weekend cruises and winerys.
firecatScott & Terry, thanks again for a wonderful weekend. Thanks for all the goodies T-shirts, mugs, etc. and of course the great ribs Friday night. It was good to see all of our Prowler friends and meet some new people. These events are what makes owning a Prowler so great. Gene & Dixie - Peoria
ScottyDid Leo make it home? Hope he posts his photos.

Wildcat please send email me the one of the cats parked at the winery.

This message has been edited by Scotty on 10-25-2007 at 10:01 AM

Originally posted by WildCat:
[B]mens room tile

Nice pictures. Looks like fun for all. (I'm not going to ask why you take your camera into the men's room.)

This message has been edited by idive on 10-25-2007 at 11:59 AM

2000CatScotty and Terri, this event may have been the best prowler event Mary and I have attended, and we agree with everyone else. This one is going to be hard to top, Thanks again for all the hard work. Makes me want to move to Ina
Dan,and Mary

This message has been edited by 2000Cat on 10-25-2007 at 09:41 PM

Originally posted by idive:

Nice pictures. Looks like fun for all. (I'm not going to ask why you take your camera into the men's room.)

do you leave yours on the table? Thought Sue would like to see the decor from the mens room so being the ONLY one in there I snapped the shot. Had anyone else been in there you would not have seen it.

At least I don't have a cell phone camera to take to the john everytime I go. I just had Sue's pink camera....LOL

LeoIf you follow the link below, it will take you to a photo slide show of the photos I took in southern Illinois on the Little Egypt 2007 run. They are in order of events.
We started by going to Dixie and Gene's (in Peoria)where we also meet up with Dan and Mary (from Michigan). The next day (Friday) it was off to Mt Vernon (with a stop along the way for lunch in one of the small towns and a look at some small town architecture on the town square). Later we went to the hotel in Mt Vernon to check in and then to West Frankfort to Terry & Scotty's house for a evening meal of ribs and roasted marshmallows. The next day (Saturday) started early, with wheel up at 8:30. We went to the dam at Rend Lake, a winery, the big river, a 100 year old country store and finally a dinner theater where we laughed our rears off followed by ice cream back at the hotel. Sunday morning it was good-bye for most of us, with a few hanging on for a late breakfast before heading home. One great weekend to end the Prowl'n year in Illinois.

If anyone would like a copy of the Slide show (it is quite large) or any of the individual photos just let me know. If you are using a dialup modem, I don't know if it will even load :-) http://home.insightbb.com/~redkat/LittleEgypt2.wmv

WildCatGreat shots Leo

ScottyLeo Great Slide show.

Thanks to everyone for coming. We enjoyed it and it was our pleasure to open up our home and share some of Little Egypt with our POA family.

Thanks for the card and the donations to the RFC Garage.

Any time any of you are passing through or just want to come and stop in please do.

Ya'll come back now.

Scotty and Terry

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