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Topic:Just Wanted To Say.........Thanks!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJThanks to all the Texas Stampede event planners. You did an outstanding job and you should be proud of yourselves!!! The hotel was awesome and there were lots of great activities to participate in. My only regret is that we didn't get to try everything!!! So it rained... I don't think it put a damper on anything. We still had a great time. It was great seeing all our "old" friends and meeting lots of new ones. As always, there is so much going on that we never get to spend as much individual time with everyone that we would like.

Unfortunately, Bob was sick all the way down to Texas and missed out on Monday and Tuesday's activities. After a phone call to our Dr. and some much needed drugs, he recovered quickly and in time to enjoy the remainder of the week.

I had the best time at the Drags and am ready to do it again!! For only my second time ever drag racing, I think I did pretty well and was very pleased with the outcome!

Many thanks to:

My hubby Bob for hanging in there even though he was sick and for supporting me at the Drags!! Thanks also for letting WildBill ride with me all week when you couldn't handle riding in the Prowler while you weren't feeling well.

WildBill for being my cruisin' buddy all week. It was a blast and I hope it made the week a bit more fun while being without your Prowler! Thanks also for all the help you gave me with the raffles. I really appreciated it. You're the best, my friend!

Tami, for being such a great friend. It was so great seeing you and Ken again. Thanks for racing with me at the Drags.......I laughed when you said you didn't want to race me in the semi-finals. I didn't want to race you either!! We made it the closest race of the night, though. You're the best!

Fred, for asking for my assistance with the raffles. I enjoyed being part of the event and hpe that you were pleased with the raffle results.

Ken, thanks to you to for all the assistance with the raffles. You, WildBill and I made a great team!

Cnote.......you are too funny and thanks for all your help with the raffle ticket sales!! We collected some big bucks!!!

Mike & Judy for opening up your home and the Museum. They are both awesome and we are so glad that we were able to spend some extra time with you, your Mom and Ashley. We had a great time!!

Dan P......Thanks for not harassing me too much with the cameras and video. As you found out, I've given up fighting it.......

Marty, Rebecca, Gary, Kelly, Marcia, Jerry, Frank, Phil, Don and Maria......it was great catavaning down together from Louisville and we were grateful to be able to spend so much time together with all of you!

Last but not least, thank you to ALL the Prowler owners who attended the event. As I always say.......it's the cars that bring us together, but it's the people that keep us coming back. Without the people, there would be no event. What a great group of friends we have!!

Hope to see a lot of you again at Toronto and Woodward!!

CJ - The One and Only
1999 Black - PPROWLR 2002 Deep Candy Red - CJPROWLN

Classic/Beautiful - I'm referring to the Cat of course!


You are no longer an introvert when it comes to pictures and video... You move around cameras and video like if they were not there..

You are an extravert no doubt about it...

Till next time..


TFischerHey Girl! It was great seeing you again - so glad that Bob is doing so much better - poor guy - was worried about him at the beginning - but he was a trooper hanging in there with us when he felt so lousy!! You did great at the drags and if I was going to lose - I would rather lose to you as my 'sista' of the drags than anyone. Hope to see you soon! T
BeWareCJ, seeing you take the runner up trophy was a real treat. I was so happy for you. You came really close to taking first and you should be proud. I am glad it was you who eliminated me. Even if it was the for second time.
CJTami.......and I would have been happy losing to you, too!

Rich......Thanks for the nice comments. It definitely was close. With my helmet on and the windows closed, I didn't hear anything outside the car. I was told by a number of people later that the announcer said that the only reason I was beat was because his reaction time was better than mine.......other than that, I had it covered. I was surprised that it was that close and it was great fun and I am pleased with my performance.......I felt I was very consistent. I'm ready to do it again!!

Top KatCJ, it was great seeing you and Bob again. Sorry, that he was so ill in the beginning. Had a great time with you guys on the cruise to Fredericksburg and lunch there. Thanks for sharing memories of a past event about "ELVIS". That was so funny. He is a great guy and enjoyed having him ride along with me that day. Congrats, again on your performance, at the track. Great job!!!! It was great seeing you have so much fun. Thanks to Bob, for draging that trailer to the track, to help someone get back, if they broke. He is always there, for all of us at these events, lending a helping hand. Look forward to seeing you both in Canada and at Woodward.

The Elvis story was great, but Dan's story about his escapades on the road in the Hill Country was priceless. I wish we could have gotten that on video!!

cnote6I had to ruff up a few people to buy more than $100 worth of tickets.
CJAnd you did a darn good job of it!

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