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Topic:Joining POA
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
kriegsadmiralI just looked at the Red/Black Woodward for sale in the classifieds. Nice car but what struck my eye as usual is that the guy just joined POA to sell his car. I crack up at how many people's listing says Newbie and there first use of this website is to sell something. Might have got some good info when they owned and drove if they joined prior.
phil2237Many have put their cars on POA as a newbie, but most likely have been following this club as a guest. When ever I hear of someone looking for a Prowler, I ALWAYS recommend them to look here first as the members here are well known and so are their cars. I followed this site since the beginning, but did not join for several years, just enjoyed all the posts.
kriegsadmiralProbably right, just a thought.
Originally posted by phil2237:
Many have put their cars on POA as a newbie, but most likely have been following this club as a guest. When ever I hear of someone looking for a Prowler, I ALWAYS recommend them to look here first as the members here are well known and so are their cars. I followed this site since the beginning, but did not join for several years, just enjoyed all the posts.

Pretty much was me also....

ItpurrsMe too
401KATI came on here after buying 1st one....and bought second one from member....thats whats neat about this forum...u can quickly see who is legit as far as selling cars or parts by watching reactions from other members...most of which are sincerely trying to help one another on a car like no other....but i'm biased....lol
mslc10Me too , was a guest lurker , learning about the car so I knew what to look for when I bought one.

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