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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Jimmy Carter says attack ISIS ?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortNow I'm really worried.
ed monahanYeah, up til now he was doing a great job for all these years. lol
ALLEY CATI'd bet Carter asked his daughter Amy, what she would do first before he made that statement ...... that's how he made most of his presidential decisions...

StingRayWhat he didn't mention is that we are to drop plane fulls of peanuts on ISIS followed by plane fulls of Billy Beer ... either get em so full and drunk they shoot each other, or kill them when the cans and peanuts fall from the sky!

This message has been edited by StingRay on 09-22-2014 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by StingRay:
What he didn't mention is that we are to drop plane fulls of peanuts on ISIS followed by plane fulls of Billy Beer ... either get em so full and drunk they shoot each other, or kill them when the cans and peanuts fall from the sky!

Beer and peanuts go together. lol

bjprowlerHillary & Jimmy in 2016!
ALLEY CATHow about:


padrooIt's funny now but in 2016 it won't be. lol
ALLEY CATNO,,,,it won't be.... The present Commander-in-Chief knows Jack Schitt about foreign policy, fiscal control, the economy, etc etc....

What will Hillary do in the same situations we are now in,,,,,say: What difference does it make! She might be able to ask Slick,,,,if she can find him down in the Lincoln bedroom, with some young intern who is bull-riding ole Wild Bill?

bjprowlerHill will call upon her vast experience to solve this nation's problems.....Like when she, uhm.....And then there was the time that she, uhm....And who could forget when she, uhm.....

Padroo, Robert and Reechee....Help me out!....Jump in here and tell us about her outstanding qualifications to be President!!!

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 09-22-2014 at 06:43 PM

ed monahanRobert is missing in action. He hasn't posted in months.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Robert is missing in action. He hasn't posted in months.

The past 12 months of Obama mis-handling of every situation encountered,,,,has just been too much for Robert to SPIN off of ..... plus, he's been focusing his attention by pounding HILLARY 2016 yard signs into run-down, vacant property in fabulous, downtown Detroit......

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