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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Ivanka's Fashions
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeIvanka Trump is immediately shutting down her fashion line so a moment of silence please for all those Chinese jobs lost.
StingRayEver notice these posts seldom EVER have anything positive to say and typically are anti-American people ...

Seems to be a trend for the entire Liberal platform and we see it here plainlt clear

Truly sad

ed monahanI would bet millions she had nothing to do with this "fashion" frock.

silverkatI think that is the nightgown Hillary was given when she was in the insane asylum. May also explain the tag she's wearing. Either a life alert or device so the asylum nurses know where she is at all times.
Beachkat2Her line of clothing was turfed out of The Hudson's Bay co. in Canada and many other places around the world. That's why she shut it down. Nobody was buying the product.
ALLEY CATquote: "Ivanka Trump is immediately shutting down her fashion line so a moment of silence please for all those Chinese jobs lost."

^ V V


Sliding further 'off political topic', like the OP:


Just wondering if the Gorilla O'bunghole's clothing fashions did better than Ivanka's line in sales? Most likely,,not.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 07-26-2018 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by silverkat:
I think that is the nightgown Hillary was given when she was in the insane asylum. May also explain the tag she's wearing. Either a life alert or device so the asylum nurses know where she is at all times.

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