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MDProwlerGo to Dodge.com for more details.

cdeluca996 packs a 6 cylinder now. It’s twin turbo but a 6. Maybe breathe some life into our cars again. The enthusiasts won’t bad mouth our little 6’s now!!!!
Originally posted by cdeluca99:
6 packs a 6 cylinder now. It’s twin turbo but a 6. Maybe breathe some life into our cars again. The enthusiasts won’t bad mouth our little 6’s now!!!!

Yes they will

They will still say it should have had a V8

Engine technology has came along way in the last 25 years to make lighter, more powerful smaller displacement engines

Use to with NA engine it was hard to beat displacement, not blown or turbo 4’s beat the old muscle big block cars

Larry Mayes

ed monahanDid the fact that DODGE dropped out of NASCAR
really hurt the brand?

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 03-11-2024 at 09:06 PM

ed monahanDid the fact that DODGE dropped out of NASCAR really hurt the brand?
jwallisMore information HERE [url][/url]
cdeluca99550 hp twin turbo straight 6. I can’t wait to hear what she sounds like! Ed I’m not much of a nascar guy and wasn’t aware that dodge dropped out. That seems odd because didn’t the super bird shake nascar up back in the day? They made history with that car in the circuit if I’m not mistaken?
Originally posted by cdeluca99:
550 hp twin turbo straight 6. I can’t wait to hear what she sounds like! Ed I’m not much of a nascar guy and wasn’t aware that dodge dropped out. That seems odd because didn’t the super bird shake nascar up back in the day? They made history with that car in the circuit if I’m not mistaken?

In 1970 Winged Mopars won 38 of 48 races. NASCAR a didn’t think that was fair
In 1971 NASCAR quickly reduced the engine size allowed for both the 70 Plymouth Superbird and 69 Dodge Daytona from 426 cid to 305. Making the winged cars uncompetitive.

cdeluca99Thanks Beware 😉 from a 426 to a 305 that’s insane. A super bird with a 305 is probably a pig lol I don’t know for sure but that’s probably a heavy car for a 305.

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