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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Isn't it Democrats who always claim that there is no Voter Fraud
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareSo what's up with this if Voter Fraud doesn't exist according to the Dem's. At least up till now. Suddenly it exists?

Possible voter fraud probed in tight North Carolina House race


Originally posted by BeWare:
So what's up with this if Voter Fraud doesn't exist according to the Dem's. At least up till now. Suddenly it exists?

Possible voter fraud probed in tight North Carolina House race

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/close-north-carolina-h ouse-race-still-up-in-air-as-officials-probe-potential-voter-fraud

This message has been edited by Joe02 on 12-01-2018 at 04:47 PM

KlasKatI just heard in Cal. you can get several ballots and fill them all out and just get someone to sign them (homeless) then just take them to the polls and drop them off. Another thing they have there is that when choosing who will be in the primary they take the top 2 who are running. That could be 2 Democrats so they could completely do away with anyone else running. Look for this to spread to all other major cities .
ed monahanI just read where it is legal in Cal. to HARVEST ballots. Someone comes around and picks them up to take them to the polling place. That is unbelievable. I wonder if it is illegal aliens doing the harvesting. Since no Americans want to work in the fields.
Tomcal"I just heard"...... "I just read where"......

Joe02GOOGLE IT....Take your pick.
Originally posted by Tomcal:
"I just heard"...... "I just read where"......

ed monahanFrom the L A Times
To reiterate: There’s absolute no reason to suspect fraud in last month’s election — not through “ballot harvesting” or in the large number of provisional ballots turned in or how long it took to count ballots, as Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has irresponsibly suggested. But the ballot collection law passed in 2106 does open the door to coercion and fraud and should be fixed or repealed before the next election.
Before the law was passed, only a family member or a member of the household was authorized to deliver a ballot on behalf of a registered voter. But AB 1921 relaxed that rule, allowing others — including canvassers, campaign workers and anyone else — to solicit voters to fill out ballots and deliver them.
The potential for misuse first became apparent in a special election in Los Angeles last year between two Democrats for an open seat in the state Assembly. In the final weeks of the race, complaints surfaced about aggressive campaign workers pressuring voters to hand over ballots on behalf of Wendy Carrillo, who ultimately won the race.
That’s only one way the law could be misused. Doesn’t it also encourage ballot collectors to gather the ballots and then “lose” them — oops! — on the way to the drop-off? Isn’t there the possibility that they might pay voters to hand over their unfilled mail ballots?
This is why some states don’t allow ballot collection at all or limit ballot collectors to turning in only a small number of ballots. Colorado, for example, limits the number of ballots that can be turned in by a third party to 10, presumably making a race more difficult to manipulate.
Enter the Fray: First takes on the news of the minute from L.A. Times Opinion »
In light of November’s victory, the Democratic-controlled California Legislature may be reluctant to tinker with a law that might have contributed to its victory. But it should do so nonetheless, because failure to do so might jeopardize wide-scale adoption of election reforms over the next year. Only six of 58 counties, including Los Angeles starting in 2020, have committed to adopting the new reforms included in the state Voter’s Choice Act. As long as ballot harvesting continues, other counties may be understandably hesitant to participate in the new system, in which mail ballots will be sent to every voter. That’s millions of opportunities for misuse.
That would be unfortunate. The reforms in the Voter’s Choice Act do much to encourage voting — more than mass ballot collection does. Elections officials and Secretary of State Alex Padilla ought to urge lawmakers to resolve this problem; at the very least, they should limit the number of ballots that may be collected.

But the L A Times is very liberal so maybe you can't believe any of it. It is hilarious that it happened to two Democrats and they couldn't blame the Republicans.

TomcalIn case you missed this post....

GOP Election Fraud Leave North Carolina Race in Limbo


Originally posted by Tomcal:
[B]In case you missed this post....

GOP Election Fraud Leave North Carolina Race in Limbo

]http://www.yahoo.com/news/allegations-gop-election-fraud-leave-202520703.html [/B]

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