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Topic:Is this the worlds dumbest girl?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TFischerUhhh such as a map . . . (quoting Ms. Teen South Carolina) - what is going on anymore?????
SnickersSo much for "Blondes have more fun". In her case, it's "Blondes have more Dumb"
MetalWithGraceI am so ashamed.. I think I am going to dye my hair..

just wow..

Grace Cameron
Metal With Grace

KalaI think "American Idol" should have left her where they found her
Marty UsherShe should stick with signing and skip the game shows!
Originally posted by Marty Usher:
She should stick with signing and skip the game shows!

Marty, do you really think she could "Sign" any better than she speaks

CJUmmm........I don't think some of the comments that the host made about women were very smart either!!
Tytanium-KI watch this show periodically AND there's MANY, MANY UNwise men as well, so don't throw sticks at JUST women!
Originally posted by Tytanium-K:
I watch this show periodically AND there's MANY, MANY UNwise men as well, so don't throw sticks at JUST women!

I don't suppose that the producers of the show are looking for the sharpest pencil in the box when they choose a contestant.

It amazes me that people would let themselves be made a fool of on national TV... Kind of like Jay Leno's "Jay Walking" segment...Funny!

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-22-2007 at 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Tytanium-K:
I watch this show periodically AND there's MANY, MANY UNwise men as well, so don't throw sticks at JUST women!

Who said all women are stupid, except for maybe Foxworthy. My wife is much smarter than I am. All in all I think this is a sad commentary about our schools.

KalaHer remarks are probably part of her act... I think Dolly Parton made a mint in the beginning of her career saying dumb s**t...

If Kelly is really that stupid... Agents, Assistants etc would jump in teach her what needed to be taught, before letting her loose in public...

Theres too much $$$$ to be made with a popular act for all parties involved...

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